What are you canning now?

I think the only thing worse is shucking black walnuts...but the two are on a par. The pecan stains fade, btw, into horrid shades of brown.
Pressed the last lug of apples. Have no fridge or freezer room, so canning the cider to use later in making hard cider....which will make it easy because all we have to do is barely heat the juice as it has already been pasteurized and sterilized and should be a good medium for the cider yeast.
You just solved my problem! I had frozen many, many quarts of juices for eventual wine or jelly, and ended up having to pack one of my refrigerators with them until the freezer is back on line. I am not at a good place to start either wine or jelly... I can can them!
This can happen if you release the pressure from your canner too soon...the negative pressure will just suck the fluid right out of your jars. Let it cool down on its own~ without touching it~ until all the steam has escaped slowly from the canner and you no longer hear gurgling and bubbling going on inside.

Fourteen quarts of deer meat in the jar, twelve quarts of broth, two roasts in the freezer, tons of scraps for the dog. A good day for the pantry!
Do you cook the greens first? It might be air coming out of the leaves themselves.
IF I cold pack tomatoes then pressure can, I get half empty jars of tomatoes.
I won't be doing that again. It is not attractive.

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