What are you canning now?

I'm so glad to read that, Sandee!
Hi--I need some ideas for canning or freezing some oranges I have-well, I think they are tangelos but they are tooo tart for us to eat plain so I need to put them up. But I need some suggestions please. I have juiced about 1/2 of the box & still have about 3 dozen left.
You can can them as just plain canned oranges. There are directions on Pickr-Your-Own. Or you could make a marmalade. Do you have canning recipe books? The Ball Complete book has an "Easiest Marmalade Ever" on page 103. I can post it if you don't have one yourself. Or you could google a recipe.
Sandee, I am so relieved to hear this news. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about you, and just how small of a world it was. Its hard to believe one would know several people going through similar problems. I am grateful to your doctors for being optimisic with this, now I know you can relax a little and not fear for the future, but plan for it with an open heart!

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