What are you canning now?

Muscadine sauce and muscadine jelly are DONE. I am going to North Georgia in about a week to get apples... lots and lots of apples! I can't wait to get started on those.
Aber, I got muscadines in buckets waiting on me now... I couldn't believe how many got dropped off this morning. I wasn't ready for them!!!!

Since August I have canned pickled yellow squash, pickled okra, cucumber pickles, strawberry jam, pear jam, apple pie jam, peaches in light syrup and pears in light syrup. I have had a blast. This is my first year and I'm really enjoying myself! I am hoping to can some jalapeno pepper and some green beans sometime soon. I love this thread!
Happy chooks, did you ever figure out what to do with your poblanos?
I am to the point that I will have to do something. They are starting to bury me.
Such enthusiastic plants, they are.

I suppose I will pressure can them. They are getting too small to roast, but too big to not do something.
I made cowboy candy with the jalapenos yesterday, I wonder if I could do that with the smallest poblanos?

...or, I could feed them to the chickens.
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I was going to pickle them, but I used some to grill and peel to add to things. They're good on pizza and with eggs. The kids don't like hot things and neither does the DH, so I have to be careful about adding them to stuff.

I haven't done it yet, but I want to do Ken's recipe of stuffing them with a slice of cheese and a slice of bacon and grilling them.

I'm intrigued on the cowboy candy as well.
Cowboy candy!!?? What in tar nation is that?

It is in the recipe data base.
One day I am going to print it all out. Then, I am going to go through this thread and the baking thread and print it all out, then slide them in those plastic covers and put it all in a three ring binder. I figure it will cost me hundreds of dollars in ink, but nifty's not doing it. Cookbook part 2 ? eh? Just one from this canning thread would be so great, But maybe there are not enough of us here to make it worthwhile.

I think it is because he knows if I have to look it all up on BYC, then I my turn off the computer.

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