What are you canning now?

How did your applesauce come out? Every recipie I have seen adds a ton of sugar. Do you know of any way to decrease it?

You don't need to add ANY sugar or apple juice to make apple sauce!! I make apple butter with just apples (and a little cinnamon and lemon zest at the end!). Of course, it helps to have apples that are at least semi-sweet. I would cook down the apples and then taste. Only add sugar if they aren't sweet enough for your taste!
You must share this recipe
Me three!!!!
Well, the black raspberries beat the blueberries this year, after all. First batch of jam is cooling on the counter. Will do another, plus some chutney tomorrow.

25 pints of pickled beets

Do you do baby beets? They're one of my favorite additions to salad.
Did you write on the lids before or after putting them in water bath??? what did you use to write on the lids??? I need some way to keep track!

I use a sharpie, looks like she does, too.
Alright folks i need computer type help? I think? Lol Im looking to buy more ball/kerr canning jars. Last month there was a coupon for buy 2 cases get 3$ off in the smart saver flyer I think Anyhoo...can someone please help me find the printable version? Theres a sale in town and I want to snag some while there on sale! Post the link here or pm it to me? Pleeeease and thanks! :D
I have tried to find it...do it all day and cant! Grrrrr
I havent reported here in a long time;(

I have a gorgeous garden but have yet to get anything to can yet...wah... Things in my part of the northern tundra (lol) grow alot later than most...the blackberries will come in August and Im swamped with them! Cant wait! Tomatoes wont ripen until early August ...as well as the tomatillas...cukes...beans...Its crunch time when they do because our growing season is fast and short! I did manage to get 6 lbs of strawberries for jam yesterday :D
Alright folks i need computer type help? I think? Lol Im looking to buy more ball/kerr canning jars. Last month there was a coupon for buy 2 cases get 3$ off in the smart saver flyer I think Anyhoo...can someone please help me find the printable version? Theres a sale in town and I want to snag some while there on sale! Post the link here or pm it to me? Pleeeease and thanks!

I have tried to find it...do it all day and cant! Grrrrr
Don't PM it....share it with all of us!!!
Alright folks i need computer type help? I think? Lol Im looking to buy more ball/kerr canning jars. Last month there was a coupon for buy 2 cases get 3$ off in the smart saver flyer I think Anyhoo...can someone please help me find the printable version? Theres a sale in town and I want to snag some while there on sale! Post the link here or pm it to me? Pleeeease and thanks! :D

I have tried to find it...do it all day and cant! Grrrrr

Don't PM it....share it with all of us!!! :D

Well yes! Hook us all up! :D

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