I have chicks shipping on the 18th:
2 silver laced Wyandotte pullets
2 golden laced Wyandotte pullets
2 silver cuckoo maran pullets
1 black silkie rooster
3 blue silkies straight-run
5 "mystery chicks"
Praying the mystery chicks are anything except turkeys!!!! Super excited
You never updated us! I'm assuming you got them already if it was the 18th of this month! Where did you get them from? I would love to see the blue silkies and I'm curious as to what the mystery chicks are.
On October 22nd I'm getting a shipment in from Ideal. I've read good things about them and they are just a state over which means less time in transit for the little guys (well hopefully mostly gals LOL).
I ordered:
3 white silkies
3 silver sebrights
2 mystery bantams

We are semi urban so I prefer bantams for their small size! Right now we have two white silkies (a roo and a hen), and I just picked up a silver hamburg hen (she is still in quarantine). I'm still waiting on eggs from ours but I wanted at least three hens and I'm still short since one of ours (my husbands favorite he affectionately named "*****) died last week. With winter coming up I wanted to get at least one pullet so they can huddle together in the winter in their coop for warmth, so by time the quarantine has ended they will definately need each other which might make them more accepting of the new girl =)

We are actually going to make another tractor! We bought our first one for a great price... like $50 and we should have bought the other one they were selling but hubby wasn't totally on board with chickens yet. Now that I gave up my ducks he is more willing to let me have additional chickens because they are so easy in their little tractors and friendlier! The ducks we had to be very careful of with our dog, put them up every night which sometimes they made difficult, they wouldn't let us touch them... I mean we liked them but they were a BIG hassle and we were constantly worried for their safety and having to use a leash on our dog when we paid $3,200 for a privacy fence so he COULDN'T jump it is really suckish (and he broke off his leash twice and went to jump on them playing). So I gave up the 3 ducks and got 8 chickens in return LOL!
I'm getting 2 Speckled Sussex. 2 Welsummers, and 2 Black copper Marans on May 11th. I wish I could have gotten them sooner, but I couldn't order 15 chickens, I do not have the room.
Waiting to buy a golden laced wyandotte, a silver laced wyandotte, a light brahma and a speckled sussex in the spring.
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I woke to a lovely surprise of one chick that hatched yesterday and had the joy of watching two more.
picture from the bator yesterday....

Then pictures of the 3 hatchlings today in the brooder:

This is my first batch ever and we are still waiting on 5 more eggs to hatch. They have candled well so probably today or tomorrow.
TSC was supposed to get chicks in yesterday and when I called this morning they still hadn't arrived. I'll call again around 2 probably...

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