Dad's order of Ideal chicks came in yesterday...5 guineas, 5 ducklings, and NINETY chicks! (75 bantam special, 15 assorted longtail males which were phoenix and sumatra)

unfortunately 5 were already DOA and several more died soon after :( The sumatras especially were all sickly on arrival so we're getting compensation from Ideal for our losses. The guineas and ducklings were all extremely healthy but 4 of them were smothered by chicks under the brooder lamps overnight ! Now there is only one lonely duckling. We separated the birds into 2 smaller groups in separate tubs so this won't happen again.

It's a very nice variety of bantams, although there are a LOT of white silkies. So many pretty babies! I especially love those spotted topknots like the one there by the duck
I am waiting on..........................................................................My local feed store to get their chicks in.
Mine doesn't get theirs in til next month, the other just got 180 ducks in and no chicks =/
Our feed store has lots of cute chicks and has had them for about 3 weeks. I keep reminding myself that I already ordered 25 and cannot take any more at this time. I currently have 20 hens, 9 young chicks about 3 and 4 months old and 3 roosters. Our feed store also has ducks in already. I always have to look them all over.
I am waiting for the last 2 viable Cream Brabanter eggs in my incubator to hatch on/about Feb. 25. I am also waiting on 19 assorted chicks from Ideal scheduled to be shipped March 9 (?). I am also waiting for hatching eggs, Sulmtaler roo over Cream Legbar hens AND Cream Brabanter (6) and Dominique (6) hatching eggs to arrive on Tues. and Wed. this week. I will incubate them with the last 2 eggs from my Buff Brahama bantam, Miss Bavis, that we lost to a dog attack yesterday. The Buff Braham's eggs will be from a Blue Silkie roo.....but hopefully, we will get a baby chick to remind us of Miss Bavis. I also have 9 EEs hatched from blue eggs that will need new homes very very soon as well as 3 barnyard mixes that will probably go as well. I think the BY mixes are all roos. :( They were our first hatch.
Coming to Nebraska: On march 12, I should receive 8 Cayuga and 2 pekin female ducklings. And April 8, I should receive 5 barred rock female chicks and 5 easter egger female chicks.

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