What are your chickens names?

Mama Cass

HP (for Henny Penny when I thought he was a she)


Our EE's:
Chick Pea, Clem, Leopard, Smokey, and Bandit
Our Dominique's:
Spur and Not Spur
Our Delaware's:
Rosemary,Speckles, and Peppers
Our OEG bantams:
Thelma, Louise, Cosmo and Wanda
Hi all, I've just been lurking so far, but just had to chime in here...

We only named some of our 15 hens:

Spot (DS's white leghorn)
Big Red (she's in charge)
Little Red
Cutie Pie (little white banty)
Bobble Head / Roadrunner / Fluffy Head (Silver Polish)
Crazy Chicken (buff colored thing that goes into hysterics at the slightest thing)
Pinto Hairy Feet (I challenged DD to be creative)

4 Auracanas who are supposed to be named for the Little Women, only I can't tell them apart.

Little Sister
Clifford the Big Red Dog (DS's white leghorn a couple years ago)
Daddy's Blue Chicken
3 pullets. Rex, Sarge and Goldie. Yeah I know Rex and Sarge are boy names but they fit. Rex is the oldest and is 'King" of the flock. Sarge always strutted like a Sargent. And Goldie....well, she is golden.
Opie--Buff Orpington Rooster

Goldie--Buff Orpington

Blackie--Black Astralorp



Baby--Solid White Ameraucana

Oreo--Barred Rock


Cleopatra--Ameraucana--she had "eyeliner" as a chick!

They are so Fabulous!!!
The eggs in my incubator are due to hatch on St Patrick's Day, so all the new chicks will get Irish names.

My current adult chickens don't have names.
Irish names?
I hope you will take the time to look up the ditty "welcome as the flowers in May"... give you a few names.

My Rooster is the only one with a name.. Suprise the bard rock.. well he's Pullet Suprise.
Easter Eggers

Hawk (Looks just like one)
Woody (Daugher named her)
Buttercup (Kind of that color)

Golden Sex-Links

Stretch (Streches her neck out alot and was the tallest)
Lil Roo ( We thought she was a he...)
Wings (Lil chick was always flapping 'em)
HubbaBubba(just cause its a funny name)
Whitey (thought he was a white chicken, but turned out to be a golden sex-link Roo.)

Silver Laced Wynedottes

Pepper (that shade)
Ecilipse ( daughter named her)

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