What are your five favorite breeds and why

WOW! Some neat sounding birds listed here. Many of them I had to look up, and now want. All in due time.

1. Easter Eggers. Hilarious, chatty and invasive sorts. Curious and will walk right into the house to check the cat bowls if the door is left open. Regularly check the windows to see what is happening in "the big coop". Feather color and egg variety is a plus. I love the hawkish face, pea comb and neck feather swoops. I think they're more gorgeous than Ameracaunas.
2. Bantam Cochins. The ultimate zombie apocalypse bird. Nuclear fallout? Pretty sure that those little dudes will be ruling the earth and spreading like wildfire. Plus, they wear Culottes. I also like that they tend to stick around closer to home and don't wander far. This works well if you free range, like myself.
3. Brahma. The Buddha of all chickens. So sweet and gently despite their enormous size. Wonderful personality.
4. Welsummers. I only have one and I don't like her. She is skittish and the stupidest chicken known to mankind. That being said, she is gorgeous and lays extremely well despite her old age. She is a very hardy bird.
5. Buff Orps. Never had any of my own, but all those I've been around are really nice birds. Definitely at the top of my "want" list.
My bantam cochins hardly ever leave their run to range. I don't think it's worth the effort to them.
Speaking of not judging teenage- animals, I think I saw a comedian or a cartoon I don't remember, but they showed a baby calf and it was jumping and springing up in the air, going circles around it's mom that was just chewing cud. Then one day the calf in one instance went from springing with joy, to just chewing cud.
I am glad everyone one listed their favorite birds, or in my case their current favorite, I am going to make a small list of which birds I think I still need in the spring.

I wil get 2 each of these breeds..
blue andelusian
speckled sussex
maybe 2 more Barred rocks
and Ancona.
My list is slightly larger, still trying to par it down a bit.

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