What are your rooster's names?

Here is rocky
Thurston and Skipper. Named all my chicks after Gilligan Island Cast members except one "Lucy". Wouldn't you know "thurston" turned out to be a roo and the "skipper" too. Thurston is now history, as of 5 a.m. no Crowing allowed. Tomorrow, the "skipper" will b e joining him. I must be getting soft....I hated to kill it, so while I was debating how to handle the situation my dear wife went out and wrang(?) (wringed) it's neck. My wife "the Chicken Choker"
Meet Miles Standish, my Plymouth Rock.
Other pet roosters were Russel Crows A lot. A silver laced Wyandotte,

Caesar Mixed Isa/wyandotte

And of course Arnold Swarzen-egger my guard Chicken Dominique/?
Oreo..he is a Bard Rock. I now just discovered I have another 10week old Buff Orphington

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