What are your talents?

I hold the couch down, drink beer, and fart. My wife said I do these better then anyone she knows.

My talents? Hmmm well I cook ALOT. And its all gluten free, casein free (all dairy products even without lactose) and artificial free. I have won in some completions with my recipes, against normal cooking :p
Oh Can also hear electricity and see auras..... don't know if those count as talents though XD

X2 And Haley, enthusiasm is a great talent. I get extremely pessimistic, and let me tell yall enthusiasm will take yall a lot farther in life then pessimism. :]

Hey, at least you're good at acting. I used to have to do Drama before start of electives a couple of years ago, and I always used to end up acting like myself. I could never pull off a character too far off.

Haley: Enthusiasm is also a talent.
There are some people who are hard-pressed to really get into something.
(Such as... << NYFinal + ASL doesn't count.)
Is the glass half full or half empty? I say it IS empty. I'm with ya on the pessimistic side, Woo. :lau
That's very interesting!
What does electricity sound like?
Oh, and congrats for your cooking competitions too!

Well it ranges from high pitched buzzing to low humming... I can hear it through everything, the tv, the walls, but over the years Ive gotten use to it :) I can also smell copper through walls too XD
You know what they say about everyone being good at something.
Let's hear some interesting ones!
Anyone make sculptures out of food, or something awesome and wacky like that?

Me, I suppose I can determine the wind direction from the weather conditions in certain places, but that can hardly be counted as a real talent.

Talent? Not sure. I have some skills.
Alicia G, Are you sure you don't have tinnitus? Kinda sounds like buzzing/ringing.
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