What are your talents?

You don't even wanna know...
Has she met my dad?
I am strangely good at shooting handguns, even though I almost never practice. I suppose that's a good talent.

Also: as any moderator can tell you, I am exceptionally skilled at hijacking threads and making people angry. In addition, many of my friends will agree that I can rant far better than anyone else. I also argued politics with a lawyer, in person, at Chili's (long story). Does that count as a talent?
Alicia G, Are you sure you don't have tinnitus? Kinda sounds like buzzing/ringing.

You know at first I thought it was something like that, so I had numerous doctors check it out. I have had my hearing tested many times and I actually have higher then average hearing. I can tell if a house has bad electrical as well as feel it too (if I touch the wall I can feel tingling or numbing go through my fingers and hand) I also can tell when announcements are going to come on over the speakers at school just before it happens, sounds like a 'zzzzzzZZZZZZ-POP' and then a second later an announcement comes on over the speakers. Ive asked all my friends and none of them say they can hear it..... I also have to be careful around electrical sockets, if I'm in a few inches of one I get shocked :/ Oh and I have a nack for killing small electronics.... Cameras, clocks, watches are the worst.
I am strangely good at shooting handguns, even though I almost never practice. I suppose that's a good talent.

Also: as any moderator can tell you, I am exceptionally skilled at hijacking threads and making people angry. In addition, many of my friends will agree that I can rant far better than anyone else. I also argued politics with a lawyer, in person, at Chili's (long story). Does that count as a talent?

You forgot to say backing losers.

Sorry couldn't resist

You forgot to say backing losers.

Sorry couldn't resist


The only losers are the ones who are voting for the Establishment and/or against their principles. I go on with a clean conscience, and I will have no blood on my hands.

This is not a horse race. You don't vote in elections based on who you think is going to win unless you're a fool - or if you have financial interests at stake (Goldman Sachs comes to mind, being the top contributer to Romney and one of Obama's top contributers as well).
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Even I thought you could NEVER win an arguement with a lawyer but you proved me otherwise!
The only losers are the ones who are voting for the Establishment and/or against their principles. I go on with a clean conscience, and I will have no blood on my hands.

This is not a horse race. You don't vote in elections based on who you think is going to win unless you're a fool - or if you have financial interests at stake (Goldman Sachs comes to mind, being the top contributer to Romney and one of Obama's top contributers as well).

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