What ate them ALL!!! in PA


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 4, 2008

my daughter couldn't get the coop door opened yesterday so the eight hens didn't have anywhere to roost last night. This morning I found SIX piles of feathers and nothing else. The dog was acting weird but I thought he was sick. What could possibly eat six full chickens in a single sitting? Fox, Coyote, what? does anyone know?
any of the above, it was probably more than one animal but having all night to go at it even one animal could kill all 6. Sorry for your loss, what was wrong with the coop door?
The door latch is a litle rusty so she couldn't unlatch it-WD40!!
Can a fox eat that much at a time? We have seen fox but I didn't think they would kill that much at once. It seems like the dog went a little nuts for about an hour. All that was left was feathers!
I am assuming where there is one fox there is probably more, I am not sure how much one fox eats but I really dont think it was just one animal chances are others heard that there was a free buffet and came running (sorry I am not trying to be cruel, just, well you know everything loves chicken)

I lost my first set of chooks to all the creatures of the night once when an animal penetrated what I thought was a secure run, and that particular night I was sick and did not lock them into the totally secure (with out a doubt) coop. all that was left of 6 birds ws feathers and feat. they were just about to begin laying too, it was a huge set back. We learn from our mistakes at least we try to so that they serve some purpose, I think almost all of us have been in your shoes in one way or anothe
Our worst case was when a few bones and the feet were left behind so I'm thinking that the predator(s) dragged them off. I'm really sorry that you lost so many.
I'm so sorry 10chicks! I know just how you feel. I forgot to close up the coop one night last week and we lost 2 of our girls. It was the first and last time I'll ever do that. We are going on the assumption that it was a fox that got our chickens. We've seen foxes around here before and I've read that a fox will take a meal, partially bury it and then go back for more. That way it will have enough food stashed for several days/meals.
UPDATE--a friend down the road saw a coyote this morning at 7am. I had my suspicions -I guess I was right. I partially blame my husband for being outside two weeks ago trying out his new turkey call -AT NIGHTTIME!! I have decided to teach him a lesson and ordered FIFTEEN day olds! haha I guess as soon as warm weather comes he'll have to make a bigger coop!Plus I think coyote season just started in PA!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry for your loss!! I just lost 7 chickens this morning too, the exact same way!

Congrats on your new day olds coming!!

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