What beed do I have?


8 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Central texas
I have 8-9 week only chicks and I'm wondering what breed I have. I've had them since they were a week old. And I've been raising them since. I have 12 of them. But this one is different from the other eleven(top pic).


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Honestly I have no idea what breed they are, but that first bird is a rooster. Is it seriously only 9 weeks old? That's an amazing amount of comb! Maybe it's just the angle of the pic making his proportions look funky, cause the pullets in the second pic are possibly White Rocks. I can't tell on their legs, though, are they a light pink/white?
I've been looking on the threads and trying to compare to the other breeds. The legs of the pullets are the same color as the rooster. My kids find it hilarious when they hear the rooster crow. It's a half crow and squeaky:). I was hoping they were leghorns. It's funny how the rooster defends the pullets when my hens get near them or try to peck them. Oh yeah, I have 4 other hens which 3 are laying and one isn't. 1 barred rock, 2 red sexlink and an americauna mix. The americauna isn't quite yet. This is our first time raising chickens. We've built a coop for the hens and the pullets and my 4 year old son checks the coop everyday for eggs. I'll get a better close up picture in the morning.

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I'm puzzled as to what they are.....that much comb this young on the cockerel makes me think Leghorn, and so does the body of the pullet in the more recent pic.....but a Leghorn pullet that age would have more comb. With the little bit of black flecks on the cockerel, I'm wondering if they're a Leghorn based hybird layer, or just a mix. Where did they come from? Any idea what hatchery?
I got the white ones from TSC. And the others from a local breeder. I hear if they have white earlobes they'll lay white eggs. Do you have any idea what color eggs they'll lay? If it's not too early to tell.

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