What breed am I?


This is a 16 week old chicken which I'm guessing is an Easter Egger. We incubated a lot of eggs from a friend and are new to chickens. Im wondering about gender. We want to take her to fair but her characteristics are changing and making me think she's a he. Any help is appreciated.

This is a 16 week old chicken which I'm guessing is an Easter Egger. We incubated a lot of eggs from a friend and are new to chickens. Im wondering about gender. We want to take her to fair but her characteristics are changing and making me think she's a he. Any help is appreciated.

It is an Easter Egger and is definitely a cockerel. Also, since Easter Eggers aren't a breed, you can't show him unless he is in production class or maybe open class :)
I had a feeling it was a Rooster. We are entering some chickens in production for fair but I only wanted hens even though the Roosters are very charming. Thanks for the clarification.
I've googled as many breeds as I could think of and am wondering if she is an Amber link? Does any one know for sure.


I'm also thinking this bird was mis-represented. I'm thinking it's an adolescent cockerel, a poor quality splash laced Wyandotte, or a mix thereof. I really don't think you're going to get eggs from it, sorry. I hope for your sake I'm wrong, I hate to see folks get duped.

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