What breed is best for me?

I just got 4 australorps for my first flock ever and they are the sweetest things. I have a dog, cat, young sister and they are great with all of them. They are such sweeties
I have more to add^^ so all of my australorps are very sweet but then I also have 4 Easter eggers and two of them are also very aweet(they'll run to me, allow me to hold and let them, etc.) but the other two are just shy. Hope that helps:)
Well, as far as you can see, we all have a different idea of what we see as best. But, in the end, it will boil down to what you are wanting from your birds. 2015 was my first year raising birds on my own property. Although, for 15 years of my life, I helped my parents with the birds they were raising. I picked a few different breeds to see what would be best. And, I have made several discoveries. Meat birds, hands down, Cornish Cross. Fast egg production, black sex links. Biggest eggs, buff orpington, but you will have to wait longer for them to produce. Rhode Island Reds probably the best all around meat and egg production. Everyone talks about Easter Eggers, pretty eggs, if all you like medium-sized eggs. Australorps, I don't know of the hens, but the roosters don't have much for breast meat. Barred Rocks nice birds and disposition, good egg production. But, it is up to you for what you want.
I would definitely recommend silkies,Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger,or an astralorp. All of these are great birds, very friendly and full of personality. Good luck on picking a new member of the family!
I just got 4 australorps for my first flock ever and they are the sweetest things. I have a dog, cat, young sister and they are great with all of them. They are such sweeties
I Love australorps we have three and all of them are just the sweetest little things! They love to be held and will follow us around when we're outside the will even try to follow us when we go inside
We have 3 kids and our Australorps, EEs and Rhode Island Reds have been great. Some are friendlier than others but we handled them ALOT as chicks.

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