What breed is my bantam rooster?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 26, 2010
This is my first flock. Can you tell me what breed my bantam rooster is? Here's some pics, he's about 4-5 months old. His black tail and wing feathers have an iridescent green sheen in the sun. Thanks very much!

Looks like a Birchen Japanese bantam..I haven't ever heard of that color pattern in that breed though. Beautiful roo though! You should be proud.
Birchen Japanese , Ive got a 5 month old myself, he's a good little roo my doesn't crow much and getting better looking all the time. His red face makes a nice contrast to the black and silver. My wife named him penn because he looked like a little penguin at first.
Nice little roo youve got!
Looks very Japanese to me. We've got 70 odd of them, Black Tailed Whites and Black Tailed Buffs. I'd say he's a Gray maybe with a little mix of some other color.
Long legs too !
I just love our japanese BTW roo's. Supposed to get 10 more tomorrow in the mail, hoping for some girlfriends for our guys. You'll enjoy having this breed, they are FULL of personality!! And, beautiful to boot!

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