What Breed is This?

My mom always called me Sadie when I was being precocious! Which was most of the time. It's a wonderful name! I love the name and I love specked Sussex, they are so pretty! :D
My Sadie is precocious, too.💖
I agree the Speckled Sussex is very pretty. What are they like? I just got my first 4 hens. Don't know their breeds yet. They're only 3-4 days old. So I'm learning. 😊
My Sadie is precocious, too.💖
I agree the Speckled Sussex is very pretty. What are they like? I just got my first 4 hens. Don't know their breeds yet. They're only 3-4 days old. So I'm learning. 😊
how do they lay and whats their temperment?.... i would love to have some birds like that!!!
In my experience, Speckled Sussex are wonderful birds! They are good layers, very friendly, and curious.
how do they lay and whats their temperment?.... i would love to have some birds like that!!!
I only have one speckled Sussex. She acts more like a puppy than a chicken. She follows me around the yard, if I don't talk to her or pay attention to her she pecks at my pant leg! She doesn't like to be held, I never held my chicks, but she wants to know I love her. If I'm not careful she will follow me right out of the gate! She is friendly like crazy! She didn't lay for the first year but because of her great personality I didn't care. She is laying now, about 3 years old. She gets along great in the flock too. :love

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