What Breed Was Your "Free" Murray McMurray Bird?

Many years ago, I had a WCBlack Polish pullet. Cute! She was on one order. The other orders were EE males.

A few years back, more EE males.

After all, those rare breed chicks aren't really RARE like we see on the rarest of rare selection. What a platooey!
I have an all black polish hen. Her name is Kramer-it's the "do".

Sure she isn't a Crevecoeur? I got one in my order from McMurray also, but I lost it the next day.
I have no idea what mine was. It was a hen, sort of a dirty white color with a black speck here and there. It's not an EE because she lays white eggs and has not ear tufts, she is not a leghorn too big for that, not a white rock too slender for that.
I truely think a rooster snuck into pen he shouldn't have been in.
I was going to make a pot of soup out of her after her first year but she survived a racoon attack (my fault, went to a ballgame and didn't get home until midnight and did not make arrangements for the neighbor to lock up) she was badly injured on the head and is now blind in one eye and missing one waddle. Therefore, I figured if she was strong enough to survive that then she deserved to live to a ripe old age and she is now 6.
That was the last time I got the free chick. I now request they don't send it to me.
I got the rarest chicken breed than all of you! Guarntee it!
Its the biggest one there with is mouth open and sitting. i bet no one can guess what kind
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I received my 27 chickens from McMurray on 1 May 2010 I had ordered 25.
There was 1 extra Leghorn hen but the free one was described as a free rare exotic chick it is a "Golden Penciled Hamburg rooster" out of all the chicks it is the only rooster.

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