What breed would you suggest?

I'm going to look into all breeds mentioned will probably end up with a mixed flock. Thank you everyone.
If I may suggest, Black Jersey Giants are pretty amazing I know a gal and she has a few of these and loves them. Her rooster is a great flock guardian especially with the red tailed hawks that are around he wards them off. Also if I may also suggest English Buff Orp. They are allot bigger than the American and a friend of mine has one of these and he's well up to 13 pounds, hard to believe I know but he's HUGE. Again great flock protector another one of my friends has the largest Barred Rock Rooster I've ever seen and a really gorgeous barred rock flock that she allows to free range and again great flock protector. Brahmas are amazing as well slow growing like the Jersey Black Giant, but all in all a fairly amazing breed. Again a friend of mine has these in the area where I live and she said they are fantastic birds, Brahmas not sure if they are a dual purpose but gorgeous extremely large birds. I hope this helps and good luck on finding the right chicken breed:thumbsup
This is the first breed I considered but was told that they are very docile and timid.

If you have a flock of all one breed then this wouldn't matter much. If you have a mixed flock, yes the buff orpington might be a little more timid but most people still include them in a mixed flock because she goes broody often. If you young children that will be interacting with the chickens, then docile is a good thing.

But a mixed flock is a fine idea. It will get you acquainted with a larger number of breeds.

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