What breeds do I want?


Good Morning!
10 Years
This spring I am hoping to get a batch of chicks, and I don't know what to get! I want some breeds of hens that have high egg production, but go broody every so often--but not often enough that they are constantly broody and never laying. I also need them to be able to stand cold weather. What should I get?
This spring I am hoping to get a batch of chicks, and I don't know what to get! I want some breeds of hens that have high egg production, but go broody every so often--but not often enough that they are constantly broody and never laying. I also need them to be able to stand cold weather. What should I get?
How about some Sussex fowl? They match your requirements. There are a number of good lines out there. The show birds also are good for meat and eggs. The hatchery birds pretty much disappoint. There is a Club for the breed at: http://americansussexbreeders.webs.com/ which has a breeder's directory. Very helpful folk. The Speckled Sussex is a particularly beautiful color, as are the Light Sussex. There are also numerous Sussex related threads here on BYC.
This is the perfect time to get adult or started birds because the breeders are downsizing this years crop for their over-wintering stock. Don't get chicks. Get started birds or adults from breeders. Why? Because these birds have been checked at least twice for quality. It's the wrong time of year to raise chicks. Get some older birds and hatch your chicks in Jan. thru March. Plus, you aren't raising chicks which need attention during the Holiday period. Chicks born in Jan. thru March make the best winter layers. The birds the breeders are re-homing now were born during this period.
It's a great deal for you and the breeder. Plus you get a 6 month head-start on your flock and you can be merrily hatching chicks in Jan. thru March with the rest of the fancy. And you won't have to wait so long for eggs. The girls should be laying within 3 months instead of seven. More return for your money faster. Always a good thing in this economy. Chicks grow better and healthier if they are raised according to the natural yearly cycles.
Best wishes for good success with your flock!
Karen in western PA, USA
We get down to about the same tempature, Beth. I have been looking auround on the breeds page and have found sussex and new hampshires that seem to be ideal. However, I need some clarification on one thing: australorps are labled as average brooders on the breeds page, while on the " broody hen hatch " thread they were labled as very frequent broooders. which are they, does anyone know?

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