What breeds have black skin?


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I was wondering, which breeds of chicken have black skin? I know the Silkies do, are there other breeds?

Silkies are near-unique among chickens: both skin and bones are black. Black skin is found in only silkies and some rare breeds - the Indonesian Ayam Cemani, the South American Black Quechua Olmec, and the Swedish Svart Höna. The Black Sumatra and Rapanui breeds sometimes have black skin also.
I think Sumatras typically have gypsy face not dark skin over the whole body?

Black skinned birds are becoming more common, showing up in backyard mixes & individuals deliberately breeding for it or introducing it into breeds- there are or were a group of people trying to introduce it into longtails.

I have a longtail rooster with dark skin and also a bunch of naked necks with black skin(I'm working on those).
Alright thanks everyone! I was "playing" with an idea for a cross, you know one of those that I write down in a book to try one day but never get around to it. LOL Black skin was the only quality I was hunting for, so I was curious if silkies were my only option.

I guess they are not my only option, but the more readily available.

Thanks again everyone!

Why not try it anyways, especially if the breed or type with black skin you want isn't already available.. Or get some from someone with black skinneds and use it to breed towards your goal.

That's how I started my naked neck line, got mongrels in a blue egg trade, some of the birds had black skins and naked necks and I worked on cleaning legs, crests and breeding for the naked neck body type.. having a lot of fun with this, really. Hatched a few promising looking babies this spring and they are just beyond cute, awesome, cuddlable, etc.....
I was hoping to find another breed other than silkies that had black skin for the breeding project. I was hoping for something a little larger than silkies, but that list of breeds that had black skin many of them seem a bit harder to obtain than the common silkie.

I know there was a lady who used to sell eggs on eBay. I haven't checked this year, though. She has been working on a Giant Silkie project for a few years. She crossed Silkies with Black Orpingtons. They are gorgeous birds. She is working toward all silkie feathering and black skin. So, it is do-able. I had toyed with the idea myself as there is a large Asian population a couple of towns away. Alas, it is in my book of thing to do when I get "a round tuit".


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