What causes Lungs with black/grey spots - Photos


Semper Fidelis
9 Years
Sep 27, 2010
Ulster Co. NY
The first two photos came from a splash Marans (23-2-2012) and a black Americauna/Maran (9-5-2013). I butchered them yesterday and outside of the lungs everything looked perfectly normal.



Next two photos came from a silver laced Brahma x partridge Cochin (17-7-2011). She also had no other problems.



Last week I also butchered two of my Longcrower x CRX (28-8-2013). One had very pale lungs while the other had lungs just like the photos above.
As you can imagin, I am very concerned. I am also confused that I am not seeing any other problems. I have searched google and the closest I got to my lungs was a photo on Cornell about Avian Influencea and I highly doubt that is what I am dealing with. I have no other symptoms. Thank you
Thank you. I am going to call cornell (I am in NY) first thing Monday and find out what I should. I was hoping someone else has seen this.
Again, thank you.
Thank you. I am going to call cornell (I am in NY) first thing Monday and find out what I should. I was hoping someone else has seen this.
Again, thank you.
Nice to see that other people are curious about this sort of thing, thanks for posting you pictures and please update this thread if you find our anything. Maybe someone else will answer?


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