What chicks are you getting this Spring?

my 8 golden comet chicks
I have ordered 6 Speckled Sussex for the middle of April. I use small pea size gravel in the coop which works really well, and I use straw and wood chips in the run as we have muddy areas in the run. I had several Black Australorps for the last couple of year until they stopped laying and gave them to my neighbor who wanted them. I didn't have any chickens over the winter, so looking forward to April when my new chicks will arrive.
I am anxiously (not so much) waiting for my Mottled Cochin, and Ameraucana Bantam chicks to arrive. Also have some Black And Blue Marans, and some Blue Orpington eggs in the the incubator.
I'm starting 3/21 with bbs ameraucanas, blue salmon faverolles, appenzeller spitzhaubens, and a couple of silkies in the incubator. Getting excited! So excited that I place and cancel egg orders compulsively. I've got a problem. A chicken math related problem.
Well, we just set about 2 dozen eggs in the icubator. We have a Sultan rooster and set mostly Ameraucana eggs, but my DH added some Welsummer eggs. Haha.
I also have a broody sitting on 6 mixed breed duck eggs. I don't know if they're fertile yet.
And we just ordered 3 Black Ameraucana hens, 3 straight run Lavender Ameraucana, 3 more Welsummer hens and a Welsummer rooster. We also ordered 10 Muscovy ducks!
I am getting a

Buff Orpington
Blue Cochin
Light Bramah
Speckled Sussex
Easter Egger

Already got 4 silkies and might get a few more from my work if I like what they get in.
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We're going to be ordering our first chicks of the year from Cackle Hatchery within the month! Planning on getting Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, and Barred Rocks for the main flocks, and we're also going to be starting up a bantam flock this year! Thinking of some Silkies and maybe D'uccles. Along with all that, we're probably going to be hatching some Easter Egger crosses from a friend's flock.
It seems the order has changed... We will now be getting:
10 Rhode Island Reds
10 Barred Rocks
10 Silver Laced Wyandottes
5 Bantam Easter Eggers
5 Black Silkies
and 5 Splash Silkies, all due to ship on the 22nd of this month from Cackle.
This year we're getting 5 Easter Eggers to add to the flock and some meat chickens. For fun we thew in a couple surprise chicks.
. It's always fun watching them grow and trying to guess what they are.

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