What chicks are you getting this Spring?

We haven't had any chickens in about a year and a half. We'd maintained a small flock of Welsh Harlequin (plus one runner) ducks until a predator killed 8 of our 10 birds one night before Christmas. I just placed an order with Meyer for May. 11 Faverolles st run (I've always wanted some), 2 buff brahmas pullets and 2 random Cochin pullets. I'd like to keep one,Faverolles roo and any others will end up in the freezer. I also added on 3 Welsh Harlequins for the heck of it. I know they won't be the quality I had in my holderreads birds but I don't need the minimum number of ducks I'd need to order from them (though if they still bred runners I wouldn't be saying the same thing;) ).
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost a couple bantams right before Christmas, too.
Our gold laced wyandottes are naughty, too! Hope you have some other hens you like in your flock!

Yes! Besides the new chicks in the brooder( 8 ameraucanas) We have a couple buff ameraucanas, and buff orpingtons and 1 russian orloff and they all have wonderful personalities. They are all keepers! :)
I am getting 24 bitties from Northwoods Poultry-
Black Copper Marans,
Blue Double Laced Barnevelders
And Blue/Black Ameraucanas!!
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I'm getting my first chickens ever! I've got a Black Copper Marans chick, an Easter Egger chick, a Barred Plymouth Rock Chick and a Speckled Sussex chick coming in 5/3. Can't wait!

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