What Color is your Coop???


I went with the traditional barn red/white. I just couldn't help myself on our first coop!
My grandson and granddaughter (cousins, aged 8) drew their own set of plans for our coop. Then they colored them. Katie wanted hers "Princess Pink" with turrets. Evan wanted us to paint it in rectangles - green, yellow, blue and red - with thin black lines between each color so it would look like it was built of Legos. The exterior nest boxes would have round pieces of wood nailed on before it was painted so it looked like an unplaced Lego. I seriously considered it!

We went to the paint store, picked up what was supposed to be "Barn Red" but looks more like "Best Little Wh***house in Cowley Red". Oh, well, the chickens don't care.


I didn't want a bright color to be an eyesore for my neighbors so I went with a brown that is close to the color of the house, my wife calls it "dog s### brown" she wanted something happy.
I have the outside of my coop decorated with cute chicken sayings, and then I have a "Chicken Hall of Fame" and I add each chicken's name that's lived in that coop. (I don't have a huge flock
) Then hanging on the outdoor run area, I have a sign that says "Caution: Chicken's At Play"
The outside of mine is a light tan with white trim, I really like the white and yellow idea for the inside though. Right now in the inside, its old rustic wood color complete with old rustic-ness interior
(unpainted, was an old bunkhouse at my grandparents, probably 100 years old or so)

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