What could this be

I would not massage her crop since that can cause a boggy crop to empty back up into the throat where she could aspirate. ACV is controversial in sour crop. Many sources say that it can make things worse, while others recommend it. Probiotics would be a better choice. Overweight hens and those who suffer from reproductive disorders, such as internal laying or ascites can suffer crop problems more frequently.
They get probiotics , garlic powder and kelp mixed in their feed daily
(free choice)
Feel the crop when she goes to roost at night and first thing in the morning to compare the two. Also does it feel squishy like a water balloon? Does it feel hard? Report back.
I will check it tonight and In the morning,
She has always had a small bulge there, for probably a year, but not this large it has really gotten big
It may be her crop, as others have said. It’s possible she has some sort of fatty tumor or something growing on her chest as well. It’s hard to say for sure. Hopefully whatever you feel will give some more clues.
She may have a yeast (fungal) infection. It sounds like she might benefit from a crop bra. There is a picture of a homemade one in this thread:

There is also a good article about pendulous crop and pictures of crop bras here:

And here:

Here is where you can buy Nystatin (Medistatin) for treatment of fungal infections in crops:
When I first noticed something was different, was about a year ago. She started losing her feathers in the chest area along with a small bump. I thought it was from coming and going through the pop door, so I removed the board from keeping the pine shavings inside the coop.
The feathers started coming back,
( not completely) sone time has past, and I started noticing her crop getting larger, I thought that was from eating, I seen them eat mice birds , then I noticed it getting much larger and larger up till now. She sorta is keeping to herself, I seen her dr drinking this morning, I threw out feed like I was tossing scratch around and she ate some of that.
She may have a yeast (fungal) infection. It sounds like she might benefit from a crop bra. There is a picture of a homemade one in this thread:

There is also a good article about pendulous crop and pictures of crop bras here:

And here:

Here is where you can buy Nystatin (Medistatin) for treatment of fungal infections in crops:

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