What could this be

She may have a yeast (fungal) infection. It sounds like she might benefit from a crop bra. There is a picture of a homemade one in this thread:

There is also a good article about pendulous crop and pictures of crop bras here:

And here:

Here is where you can buy Nystatin (Medistatin) for treatment of fungal infections in crops:
I ordered a crop bra for the hen, question... do I leave it on her 24/7
Will her crop ever go back in?
I'm guessing the way she looks, that it will be on permanent.
The odds are that it will be permanent. Sometimes with time and support they will go back to what they were, but that is the exception. For most of them, once it's stretched out, they stay that way, or stretch back out very easily. Mine in a bra is doing really well, but her crop is still flabby and if I take the bra off we are back to square one. I also have to be careful picking her up, as stuff tends to come back up very easily with pressure on the crop. You may have to adjust the crop bra quite a few times until you get it right on her, it's kind of trial and error. I try to get it as snug around the bottom, at the breast bone, as I can so legs/feed don't get stuck in it. Sometimes they walk funny, or even backward, until they get used to it. Keep an eye on her until everything is adjusted right and she's doing well in it, if she gets hung up she could be attacked by her flock mates.
I ordered a crop bra for the hen, question... do I leave it on her 24/7
Will her crop ever go back in?
I'm guessing the way she looks, that it will be on permanent.
I made the one @Eggcessive mentioned and it was super easy...literally took me 5 minutes. All you need is vet wrap (tractor supply) and a piece of fabric. I hot glued it together and made a spare.
Diagnosing crop problems can be frustrating. She may have sour crop, as mentioned, the ultimate cause of that can be varied. It also may be pendulous crop, since it's been this way for a long time. That is when the crop stretches out and sags, making it not empty properly. That is easier to tell if you can feel it. In that case the use of a crop bra can help support the crop and hold it up so that the crop can empty properly (I have one that lives in a crop bra currently). This article has a lot of information that will hopefully help you narrow down the possible causes of what is going on:
The odds are that it will be permanent. Sometimes with time and support they will go back to what they were, but that is the exception. For most of them, once it's stretched out, they stay that way, or stretch back out very easily. Mine in a bra is doing really well, but her crop is still flabby and if I take the bra off we are back to square one. I also have to be careful picking her up, as stuff tends to come back up very easily with pressure on the crop. You may have to adjust the crop bra quite a few times until you get it right on her, it's kind of trial and error. I try to get it as snug around the bottom, at the breast bone, as I can so legs/feed don't get stuck in it. Sometimes they walk funny, or even backward, until they get used to it. Keep an eye on her until everything is adjusted right and she's doing well in it, if she gets hung up she could be attacked by her flock mates.
Thank you great info
I went out to the coop this morning, and there was very little poop under where she roosted last night.
I picked her up to clean the mess from around her vent area. And she started throwing up, it stunk pretty bad,
She was drinking water this morning, didn't see her eating , does that sound like sour crop?
It does. If the crop is not emptying, which happens with pendulous crop, then the contents will sour. You can treat her with an antifungal, as stated before, nystatin or monistat are often used, or clotrimazole. Once she is in a crop bra, if pendulous crop is the issue, that support should let her crop empty and then it won't sour again. If the crop still does not empty with a bra, and you've got it adjusted well to support the crop, then the problem is likely farther down the digestive tract slowing things down so that the crop doesn't empty. That happens with blockages, reproductive problems, parasites, etc.
It does. If the crop is not emptying, which happens with pendulous crop, then the contents will sour. You can treat her with an antifungal, as stated before, nystatin or monistat are often used, or clotrimazole. Once she is in a crop bra, if pendulous crop is the issue, that support should let her crop empty and then it won't sour again. If the crop still does not empty with a bra, and you've got it adjusted well to support the crop, then the problem is likely farther down the digestive tract slowing things down so that the crop doesn't empty. That happens with blockages, reproductive problems, parasites, etc.
I did have a coccidia and worm issue about a month ago, I treated all the chickens ,took stool samples to get tested and everything came back clean, I ordered the crop bra, so once I figure out how to put it on when it comes, things will start looking good for her.
I am going to go get some yogurt for her, and I'll give them all some, cant hurt
Thank you
I want to ask if anyone would have an idea of what this could be, it was in the nesting box last evening.
Maybe about 2" long and a little rounder than a quarter, it felt like it was some kind of tissue or like that.
Definitely wasn't an egg

That looks like lash material, caused by a reproductive infection called salpingitis. If that came from the same bird as the one with the crop issues, then that is very likely the ultimate cause of the crop problem. If it's from a different bird, then you have another that is sick (they hide this very well). This link has more info:
That looks like lash material, caused by a reproductive infection called salpingitis. If that came from the same bird as the one with the crop issues, then that is very likely the ultimate cause of the crop problem. If it's from a different bird, then you have another that is sick (they hide this very well). This link has more info:
That is exactly what I found in the nesting box, and also been finding shelless eggs on the poop board, I had no idea which hen was laying these, but now I know, I did find similar but much smaller amounts of lash egg before, but I had no idea what it was.
As same as that article my hen is a
3 yo red sex link. She seems to not be functioning well today, I may cage her

Thank you so much for all your help an knowledge, greatly appreciated

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