What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning, everyone! Will probably harvest the pumpkins today and let them cure in the greenhouse for a few weeks. Some are not quite ripe, but they don't appear to be enjoying the cool nights we've been having, so it's probably time to take them off the vine and put them some place warm...
Hubs installed our automatic chicken door yesterday, and it worked great last night. I'll check on its performance this morning and tonight also. Then, if it works fine today, I will probably trust it enough to open & close the next 3 days while I'm at work. It's kind of scary though, trusting a door to take care of the girls while I'm gone.
Good morning all. I'm still in the middle of the latest Nor'easter. The rain was so loud last night it kept waking me up. It's super windy right now. I hope we don't lose power. Fortunately it's not as bad here as it is on the coast where a lot of trees are down and widespread power outages. I'm hoping for a bit of a lull so I can check on my leeks and tidy up the chicken coop. Also, the maple trees are hanging on to most of their leaves so it's still pretty. One last thing regarding cable TV @penny1960, I'm not particularly a fan of Comcast either, however, they are the only provider in my area that offers a basic package and there is no contract so I can cancel at any time and it cost less than the other options. People who live in a truly rural area know that basic broadcast television is not always available and some sort of cable is a must if you want to watch TV. I cut my lavender that was still blooming and brought it indoors. I will be bringing the large planter of lavender onto my front covered porch so hopefully it survives the winter. The smaller plant I brought in last week is still doing well. Enjoy your getaway @Sueby. I'm sure your chickens will be fine. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning gardeners :)

It's still cool enough to have the doors open here although it'll be warming into the mid 90s by this afternoon.

I cleaned the coop and reassembled the compost pile. The big girls have been vigilant about turning it over and it was a disaster! I throw the poop from the poop boards in and then reassemble so anything fresh is covered to reduce flies

I planted mustard, broccoli, bunching onions, chives, carrots and peas today. I also threw in some more Echinacea seed. The artichoke is doing great, and there are flowers on the tomato plant. I had to cage that today, it was starting to bend over. The Mexican BOP is recovering from transplant shock and the heather is blooming.


The aloe are greening up still, some are doing better than others but I'm pretty sure they'll all be doing great by next Spring. The plan is to xeriscape this area, it's near the mesquite tree, but I'm still experimenting with plants vs chickens


This is the only lantana that made it, it's in the same bed as the yellow bells and hibiscus. I'm going to trim it and try some starts using rooting hormone to see if I can propagate this color, I love it!


Have a great day everyone!
Good morning gardeners. Glad that Nor'easter finally moved out of here. My area got nearly 4 inches of rain and strong winds. It was too windy to even clean the chicken coop yesterday. Took care of that with a more thorough cleaning this morning. In spite of the nasty weather I got 5 eggs yesterday so apparently my hens are still laying. I roasted one of the small butternut squash that didn't look quite right and fed half to the chickens this morning as a reward for dealing with the nasty weather. I picked 2 leeks today as well. I'm thinking soup is on the menu for either tonight or tomorrow. I did notice that the smaller leeks are actually getting bigger, so that's a good thing. Fortunately there are still a lot leaves on the trees so my "Leaf Peeping" trip this afternoon won't be a total bust. I rummaged around the basement yesterday and found my "Herb" book. This will help me plan for my herb garden expansion. One of the things I really like about this site is seeing gardeners from different growing regions work their magic. Thanks for the visual @igorsMistress. Your garden looks lovely. Have a great day everyone.
@Wee Farmer Sarah so happy you made it through the storm ok! I'll bet your girls loved their treat too.

That is a LOT of rain. You could send some of that my way any time, we are about 3.5 inches below normal out here.
Thank you. I’m just happy the power stayed on so my sump pump could work it’s magic. Nothing like a dry basement amidst a deluge.
Thank you. I’m just happy the power stayed on so my sump pump could work it’s magic. Nothing like a dry basement amidst a deluge.

That's for sure! Do you have a generator? With all the aging infrastructure it's something we're considering and we live in the suburbs.

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