What did you do in the garden today?

The baby chick pics are adorable @Acre4Me.

Thanks! We have 25 chicks that hatched. 4 of them have supper fluffy Easter Egger cheeks. 4 others have feathered legs. We gave them all NutriDrench this morning and made sure they were drinking water. Once they all got NutriDrench, they were hopping about like popcorn! a little bit of vitamins go a long way! Also, No one has splay legs or slipped tendon, so I'm happy about that.
I was wondering where you guys get your seeds from. I get starter plants and seeds from a garden shop in my neighborhood. I have been looking at seed stores online to get varieties not available locally.

Seed Savers.com is a long established one - has a good selection overall.

Burpee tends to have excellent germination rates, and always has something new.

Cheapest place with biggest variety I've gotten from is Sandhill Preservation. They are not high tech, so they tend to overfill the seed packets. Compare that to Burpee who fills by high tech and you will not get an overfilled packet..at..all. Last fall/early winter Sandhill had a sale..Buy 1 pack, get one free - the free one was their choice, but in same category (so, an additional red tomato packet with the chosen red tomato seed).

We've bought from Territorial seeds too, but haven't for awhile.
G'morning gardeners. @Sueby I get annoyed with stuff and rip it out too lol. I had a stupid migraine in the middle of the night. Meds, shower and back to bed, so this morning I'm grumpy but functional. This didn't help my attitude when I woke up :barnie
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I need to go water the oleanders and then get to work. Stay healthy all!
Your forecast suggests you need a good 21 day "Scotch Whisky" cleanse. It is paleo and gluten free. Thankfully no humidity where you live.
I was wondering where you guys get your seeds from. I get starter plants and seeds from a garden shop in my neighborhood. I have been looking at seed stores online to get varieties not available locally.
I've been ordering from High Mowing in VT. I saw an interview with them on PBS somewhere & really liked their philosophies. They are 100% organic & non-gmo. I just ordered some garlic from them for fall planting, I'm excited to see it. But I have ordered from Burpee & Gurneys too.
I get mine at a local Garden shop that I sell products to, I am not a vendor or anything like that, I just grow landscaping trees for the garden shop because the owner can't keep them in stock. I end up with free seeds and started plants so he doesn't have to pay me as much. Sometimes when he has left over seeds and started plants he gives them to me without deducting it from what he pays me but this year that didn't happen because everything was sold out. So many people gardening this year.

So today in the garden I picked one tomato. I am picking them early this year because squirrels (or something else) have been taking bites out of them if I wait until they are full red. Then I let them ripen off the vine near a window.
I've been ordering from High Mowing in VT. I saw an interview with them on PBS somewhere & really liked their philosophies. They are 100% organic & non-gmo. I just ordered some garlic from them for fall planting, I'm excited to see it.
I plan to plant a lot of garlic in October or November, I use so much of that and Cumin. I looked into growing Cumin too but harvesting tiny seeds off of a plant doesn't look like a lot of fun. Maybe I find a youtube video on how to do it efficiently.
I was wondering where you guys get your seeds from. I get starter plants and seeds from a garden shop in my neighborhood. I have been looking at seed stores online to get varieties not available locally.

I get seed from Gurney's , Burpee , Urban Farmer , and in a pinch Amazon . I've had very good results from all , although there were some cancellations this year on the vendors part due to Covid .
I have a lot of catching up to do! We've had 3 days of rain and cooler temps.
Haven't done a whole lot outside. My house is a wreck inside and I need to concentrate there. Started a big compost barrel with an old one that looks like it was used for target practice, tied up more tomatoes, etc. I'm also making curtains for the kitchen windows with this pepper fabric that I've probably had for at least 15 years. Thought you guys might appreciate it.

Here's my tomato haul from the other day.

Ever use a tomato for a bun? My son used to do this before he decided he liked bread. Delicious!

Hope all are well!

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