What did you do in the garden today?

A little drizzly but in the low 50’s today. Sitting with my chickens for a little while. I’m getting one fresh egg nearly every day now. The nice because I’m down to my last carton of saved eggs. I took advantage of the warm temps and gave both of my wee beasties baths this morning. Now that they’re dry I need to throw everything they used to dry off with into the washing machine. New Year’s Day is my little Max’s first anniversary of his “gotcha day.” I’ll have to give him a special treat for that. I’m looking forward to a New Year. Hopefully the economy settles down enough to recover from the serious financial toll of 2022. I still need to go through my old seeds and get them organized before thinking of ordering new seeds. But I am hopeful for a good gardening season this year. No way I’ll be awake at midnight, so Happy New Year all! 🎊🎉🎆🎇
Feeling a bit crummy today. Several people who were visiting over Christmas tested positive for Covid. And my son tested positive for strep. I've been loading up on the vitamins but can't shake this dang headache. I had a headache like this both times I had Covid previously. Oh well... I don't have any other symptoms except the constant headache.

Went outside and got all the coops thoroughly cleaned out. Took me over 4 hours but the girls are happy. They were refusing to lay eggs in the nesting boxes in the main coop because of all the poop build up in there. All cleaned out now with all new bedding. I let them out to free range today since the weather is beautiful and warm.

Came inside and took a long hot shower. Getting ready to make some candles this evening... Probably take down Christmas decorations tomorrow afternoon because I don't feel like doing it tonight.

Going to do a little more studying on the irrigation system. Anyone on here ever purchased from drip depot.com? It's the site our extension office recommended. I will use my sustainability benefit at work to buy a new system for the garden this spring. It will be SO NICE to have the watering a little more automated.
Sorry the plague is visiting TJ.

Spent the morning drafting a skirt pattern and made a mock up of it. It needs tweaking, but not a lot.

No motivation to do much of anything. I'm achy and not sleeping, which only compounds things.

sunny, no wind, and 45 out so the hens are pecking around in the yard.

Major door to be replaced Monday, so of course we're having an ice storm. Rescheduled.
Was supposed to get a crown on 5th, dentist is stuck in the SW airline mess and had to drive to florida, which means he has to drive back, so that's resheduled.

Beef pie filling for tomorrow is in the pressure cooker to then cool overnight.

Happy New Year all :)
My mischievous pre school nephew came to visit me today. I found out that he finally got expelled from pre school and his parents need to find a baby sitter. I didn't notice anything wrong with him, but he did throw a big bouncing ball in my face as I said that while discussing his problem with his father. His father said, "See that's what I am talking about, something is wrong with him." I thought it was natural behavior for a child to want to play, so I didn't think anything about it, but then I notice that the back door was left open?????????????I wonder if that kid open the door to let the chickens in the house? After they left, I found a large dead koi in my 15ft Intex fish pool. I have had my expensive imported Japanese koi for 10 years and never saw a half dead one belly up before? What the hell, I wonder if it was a coincidence?

sorry for your loss. to be honest I expected more trouble with that little guy.

I am (or supposed to be) a school teacher but with these today's kids and "do not hit or spank" parents I prefer chickens. unfortunately most of kids raised that way end up in jail. they did not have the opportunity to learn they cannot do whatever they want to.
Tried to look into the ER, it's packed , no doctors and its filled with the typical dregs you'd find on a saturday. Not to mention Im betting in a few hours the drunken, I blew off this and that crowd is going to start pouring in and im in no mood to deal with that.

I'll try again tomorrow. I was going to try to tough it out until monday but it's getting really bad swollen and turning all sorts of colors now so I figure i best get it looked at.
foot injure.jpg
Tried to look into the ER, it's packed , no doctors and its filled with the typical dregs you'd find on a saturday. Not to mention Im betting in a few hours the drunken, I blew off this and that crowd is going to start pouring in and im in no mood to deal with that.

I'll try again tomorrow. I was going to try to tough it out until monday but it's getting really bad swollen and turning all sorts of colors now so I figure i best get it looked at.
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OH man! That would triage you ahead of drunken and and the dregs with sniffles.
snapped my pinky toe a the joint and the foot bone right near it in 2014, they wouldn't set it as it was a pinky toe, one doc before the xray said it wan't broken. It was, in the two places. I had to just suck it up, no meds, for 6 months. My pinky tow is totally sideways and I have to watch what shoes I wear or my foot and ankle swell to this day. I wish you the best of luck.

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