What did you do in the garden today?

Grabbed a few pictures tonight....

Asparagus is coming up. Already harvested a small handful.

And check out this Double Gold raspberry! I first planted bare roots at the end of May 2022. Here's the original photo... The raspberry bed is the one directly left of the tires.


Check out how far these suckers have spread in just 10 months!

And last but not least... The damage from my ATV crash. 😂 That T-posts next to the damaged corner was knocked down completely. I did try to pull the metal back up a bit. I also attempted to straighten the Catawba grape trunk. It's badly leaning to the right now. I shoved the cordon that was snapped off completely into the ground. Maybe it'll root itself? 🤷 I didn't know what else to do with it.
How nice to have all those fruit trees! ♡
I hope so! The Asian Pears tried to produce 2 last year, but nope, they fell off. I’m hoping for a few this year. Everything else is too young. Plus, we are novices at this, so it’s learn as we go. My FIL has many fruit trees in another state (very different climate), so my spouse has some very basic knowledge from teen years when FIL was just starting the trees.
I had a similar project last year with our old grill. However the bottom of the inside completely disintegrated so it essentially became useless. It's scheduled for a trip to the dump very soon.
I have an old washing machine sitting outside. I wonder if I should drill some holes in the tub and fill it with potting soil?
I hope so! The Asian Pears tried to produce 2 last year, but nope, they fell off. I’m hoping for a few this year. Everything else is too young. Plus, we are novices at this, so it’s learn as we go. My FIL has many fruit trees in another state (very different climate), so my spouse has some very basic knowledge from teen years when FIL was just starting the trees.
I wish you much luck 🤞

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