What did you do in the garden today?

I think 6ft skinny bamboo stakes are better than those poke in the ground 4ft tall round tomato cages. My buckets are spread 2ft apart so if I put a stake in the first and third bucket, I can put four across to stabilize a trellis. A packet of 6 bamboo stakes cost half the price of one tomato cage and it can support 3 plants.

I also put a 6ft bamboo stake in 4 corners of my 4 x 4 raised bed and wrapped cheap bird netting around it. and I used wooden clothes pin to hold it in place. It keeps my chickens out..........................I zip tied stakes across the middle and sides with 6 more bamboo stakes to support 4 tomato plants with hanging string.
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I was gifted a lemon tree by a friend who is moving, she can't take it with her. I'm excited to see if we get some lemons in the future!

My cheese pumpkins are coming along.
IMG_2587 Small.jpeg

The Brandywine Pink tomatoes are just showing up too
IMG_2588 Small.jpeg
Good afternoon gardeners. I’ll have to get caught up later. Just popped in to say hello. I got the white sage plants in the mail yesterday. I looked the older Vitex over today when I started to water it and I can see tiny green buds just about to break open :yesss: I have a thing Ineed to transplant asap so headed outside, our weather is just gorgeous! It’s supposed to cool off next week again which is perfectly ok with me. I heard there’s a possibility for La Niña conditions this summer which would mean cooler and wetter. We shall see, wetter isn’t necessarily great, muggy comes with that.:sick
Pruned fruit trees today - it is cold with spitting rain and wind. The trees are still dormant.

We cut off any dead branches, we cut off some long branches that were redundant/ existing in same space as another. The goal was to open up the middle an pick the main laterals - we focused on the Asian Pear (2) and the Apricot (2) as these are the ones with the most growth. But the 8 trees along the back driveway all got some attention. Unfortunately, we broke a branch off one of the Asian Pears, but hopefully it heals up ok. The Asian Pears were planted 5 years ago, and have been growing well. The apricots are maybe 3 years old, but one of them has grown amazingly well. The peach tree that we are not sure is going to make it is about 18" tall right now - as the rest of it was dead, but there are 3 healthy looking branches that are in good positions. It might get replaced - we will see what this season brings.

Next step is to spray Dormant oil sometime in the next couple weeks.
How nice to have all those fruit trees! ♡

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