What did you do in the garden today?

Same. My peach trees bloomed around March 20th, according to this picture. My apple trees didn't bloom until about 2 weeks ago.

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We had a freeze after my peaches bloomed. I really thought they'd be toast but both trees have fruit. I'm quite surprised... Now I'm just praying they make it to harvest. One has already dropped some fruit. 🙏🙏🙏

I was just coming in to ask if I need to cover my peach tree. We have a frost advisory for the next couple nights & it's got flowers blooming, they've been out for a week or 2. Not sure at what stage in the bloom they'd be ok. Anyone know?
1/2 HWC mouse catcher 😂

I thought the chickens would eat it but they haven't and I can't easily reach it.
On Friday I had to change gears and put hardware cloth on the roof openings on my chicken coop/garden shed. First mouse in there, chewed a hole in my slug and snail bait to eat it. So I didn't get my irrigation done, I had to lay on 2x4s up on the chicken run to do the back of the coop... It was quite the task. Also, my wire was cut to close so I had to add trim, which of course was bowed where I needed it to close the gap. I tried to flex it and it slid me on my 2x4s down the chicken run, then my screw split the trim. I said some adult words and found some stainless mesh and just crammed it into the gap from the inside. Mouse won't chew that so we are good and I can call that project a success.
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I planted 2 cherry trees, 2 peach trees, and 2 apple trees last spring. It's weird to me that this one peach tree is the first to say hello to Spring! Even the 50+ year old apple trees are JUST starting to lead out. Maybe this peach tree is in the best spot?
I have 4 different peach trees. They all bloom at different times. Different varieties. Frost peach blooms the latest, Alberta first.

Cherry trees bloom later than peaches, and apples after that. Plum trees bloom at about the same time as the peaches. Apricot is about the same, Blenheim variety does anyway.
Regarding the peach trees. My peach tree always blooms before my apple trees.
Same, all the way over here in California.
We have to have moisture and the right system set up for tornadoes to start up here.
I hope you live where the funnels usually won't touch down. We lived in just the right spot when I was a kid, could watch tornados but never had one touch the property because of the topography.
It's just dusk here so we went out to make sure the kits were in a better position to stay inside the nest box (and to check on the little one that was so cold and weak this morning). All 7 kits were in the nest and all were pink and healthy. We didn't want to mess with them too much so I didn't check for full bellys but with the quick check we did, I swear all appeared to have full tummies.
Did I miss any post with baby bunny pictures? 😁💚 If not, we need baby photos if mom will allow it. 🥰

Onto my catch-up. I finally got some tomatoes in the ground, more squash, melons, but not watermelon yet, the plants are still too small. Slowly working on the drip stuff, what a pain in the butt, 1/4"tubing is awful even with gloves and tools. My fingers are tired.

Today I plan to get the peppers in the ground. I sprayed everything with spinosad last night. Hopefully that gives me time to work on other things instead of dealing with pests.

Yesterday we planted our corn seed. I decided to plant sweet and popping in the same block since they tassel at different times. I am not planning on saving seed either way so I'm not worried about it.

I also got my shade cloth put back up on the pergola.

Today will be spent in the garden as well. It's going to be 86° then in the mid 60s all week.
I prefer fresh fruit to any cake, cookie, or ice cream.
Me too! Even as a kid. Always disliked sodas, too. Nasty! Like drinking acid. Then I saw a guy pour it over battery terminals & watched the corrosion get "bubbled" off...no way am I putting that acid into my stomach! 😂 I'm sure I drove adults nuts if we visited, I'd only drink well water, iced tea & lemonade made proper, not from a box, or the natural apple juice, not the ultra processed garbage. I'd drink Ginger ale IF it was real, not that artificial, commercialized, phony crap 99% of the grocery stores carry. It makes a difference, in how you feel, plus the way your mouth & teeth feel.
Rainy & cold today. Well, not as cold as last night, but too cold for seedlings & my achy arthritis to be outside & cold enough I had to turn the heat back on. Fickle weather! I'm still going to at least plant that 1 Blueberry plant I just bought. Then boil some cajun peanuts & pickle some eggs.

I guess I need to get another grow light for indoor use, as I never needed the one from my old house & good grief I have no idea what happened to it by now. Since moving here, I've been lucky with sunshine, but I really think this year we are breaking a record for cloudy days.

Anyone have a particular grow light they've really liked? 🤔

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