What did you make from your garden today?

Beef and pumpkin stew. This kabocha squash was on my living room floor from last season. Also used herbs from the garden, and tomato paste from last year's harvest.
Fried Cabbage, onions, yellow and zucchini squash and rustic mashed new taters. With some homemade rabbit smoked sausage. have some rabbit legs browned off and in the oven just about ready.. just have to make some onion gravy to put on rabbit and taters.. all produced on my homestead plus the local Mennonite sweet butter is from just a mile down the road..
Making me drool :drool
Made Buddy the 16 year old chihuahua a mess of rabbit bacon and scrambled quail eggs, he is on his last days.. so I been spoiling him for the past few months.. I always save the rabbit bellies usually add to trimmings for sausage.. (nothing goes to waste here on the homestead) but lately for dog treats or sometimes as bacon bits or cube em up like ham cubes.. they are great as a topping for salads.. with my toasted sunflower seeds..
I cheated. 😂 I sautéed (my) garlic scapes with (farmers market) zucchini, added (my) Swiss chard and some spices, along with homemade chicken broth. Topped with (grocery store) potatoes. Was dinner yesterday, and leftovers were breakfast today. I can’t wait til I start getting zucchini!

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