What did your chickens do today?

I've finally been able to let my 4 dogs out with my 6 hens. I'm still watching them like a hawk to be sure there are no incidents.

Today, one of my Boston Terriers jumped intherunto check it out and one of the hens ran right after her and pecked her on the behind. joJo, theBoston, yelped and skidaddled all the way back to the house with her ears pinned down.

those chickens taught her!!! :)
Pig and Lucy lost their darn minds! My husband found them walking down the middle of the road about a half mile from the house! They have NEVER gone past the bush in front of our house let alone all the way out to the road :( looks like lockdown for a while....
My hens started laying eggs this weekend and it's coming out to about 4 a day. Not a bad start and it makes for some awesome breakfasts :)
My EE seems to think she's a dog. When I threw the toy for the Chihuahua to fetch, she chased it down first and pecked it. The dog is not happy with this.
There are feathers all over the coop and yard, so I think a couple of mine exploded. Or maybe they've just started a molt. Ya never know.
I've finally been able to let my 4 dogs out with my 6 hens. I'm still watching them like a hawk to be sure there are no incidents.

Today, one of my Boston Terriers jumped intherunto check it out and one of the hens ran right after her and pecked her on the behind. joJo, theBoston, yelped and skidaddled all the way back to the house with her ears pinned down.

those chickens taught her!!!
That's funny. My chug gets pecked and chased for sneaking into their food. Now that hen chases him whenever he comes near. He knows which one she is and walks way around her avoiding her as much as he can.
My 6 BR girls fought viciously today over ...... grapes! First time they had them, think i'll have to throw them to them a handful at a time instead of just one or two at a time, it got quite nasty!
A couple weeks ago I had a hen attacked by a roo and her head was in rough shape. Today if you saw her you would never know she had been hurt. I still call her 'hurt girl' because she doesn't have a name but she looks great.

I spent time training the roo that attacked her and I noticed that I wasn't seeing him in scuffles any longer. I had even lost track of him in all the other roos because he was calming down. Today I picked up a roo that has been getting picked on and is very docile and it turned out to be the roo that I had trained. He went from the most vicious rooster in the flock to one of the most relaxed ones. I can walk over and pick him up, rub his back and neck and he will just relax with me. He also doesn't seem interested in hurting other birds now so it looks like his training took. The good news for him is that he just made the list of roos that are going to be spared when the cull takes place.

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