What did your chickens do today?

Look for a reason...is there a hawk or a snake near they saw and were like, no thanks we'll wait. Or a treat / breakfast they are taking their time eating. Maybe try tossing treats outside make them go get them lol I always grab one chick/chicken and drop a treat the rest come running fast.
My hens wont leave the coop got any ideas?
Apparently in my haste to save some flowers from a garden that's being converted the girls thought I was making them a special nest...doh.


Beautiful pictures!!
When I am fixing food I always save the ends of the tomatoes, the left over pasta and the uneaten tortillas i chop into bite sized bits. The chickens love the food scraps =D
Madonna and JamJam were on the "loose" as JamJam won't conform. Madonna was having a dirt bath and JamJam is now missing. All the others were in their coop. We found 2 of JamJams new eggs on the hillside, but no sign of her. I don't think she is coming back. It's been over 24hrs and the most I have gone without finding them is 3hrs Sad day :(
Did she come back yet or have you found her? I hope so.. .
Well, days have been busy! Today, I let Greenie out of her little house to run around, if she would; but she really didn't. She acts like she is scared of everything now, even me. Where she had advanced to following me around and flying to my arm, she now runs the other way when I approach her. She doesn't scratch in the dirt, just either stands or sits there. She is not doing anything chicken-like. When she hears my voice, she kind of squats down. I am using some kind of chicken wound spray on her head - it soaks in and penetrates rather than the antibiotic cream, which kind of sits on top.

Actually, it appears that her legs are bothering her. Maybe I didn't notice it the first day or two because I was so concerned about her head and eye. So I don't know what could be wrong w/ them. She does run normally - when I try to catch her. But when she walks (very slowly) around, she squats and sits down every few steps.

She took just a little water from a dropper - not sure she's drinking much or eating much, either. Is this normal after a trauma? Should I be concerned? She is capable of doing it herself, but just isn't - far as I can tell.

I fear I'm not paying much attention to the rest of the flock
, but tonight I gave them a clover feast
and I think they appreciated it! Looks like they were all busy taking dirt baths as there are LOTS of holes in the run. So they continue to do their chicken things - with or without me!
We let the girls out after work to forage for bugs, crickets, etc. The two newest babies, Anushka Babushka & Lucy Goosie were hunting with me when I noticed one pecking at something odd. As I bent down to see what mischief she'd gotten into, I realized that it was part of a snake shead. Just then, the grass started rustling & the girls flapped their wings. It startled me & before I could stop myself, I screamed & jumped. I accidentally scared my two newest babies SO badly that they took off running like their tails were on fire!! I recovered in time to see them taking off into the waist high weeds at the edge of the yard. As I went in to find them, quietly calling them & apologizing, I couldn't hear a thing!! After about 3 minutes (which felt a LOT longer) of calling them, Lucy finally peeped & I managed to find them, coax them out and assure them that there was nothing wrong. That picture is playing again in my mind and it's just as funny now as it was then...but only because I found them & all is well, lol. Man, you should've seen them go! And the trail of weeds being knocked down was like something out of a cartoon! Poor chickens have a crazy Mom!
Madonna and JamJam were on the "loose" as JamJam won't conform. Madonna was having a dirt bath and JamJam is now missing. All the others were in their coop. We found 2 of JamJams new eggs on the hillside, but no sign of her. I don't think she is coming back. It's been over 24hrs and the most I have gone without finding them is 3hrs Sad day :(

Did JamJam ever wander back home? I sure hope so.

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