What did your chickens do today?

No, I didn't think you were poking fun! But when I looked at it in the picture, I am saying that it rather does with those bars on it! I saw somewhere on here about turning a playpen upside down and that would give the same effect! lol

She did lose her eye and I'm cleaning it every day and putting antibiotic cream on it. She doesn't like it when I fuss with it. Doesn't seem to be eating or drinking much, though, and that worries me, too. To have her survive a mauling and then die from dehydration?

Poor baby. I hope she makes it. She will end up being your favorite if she does.
My EE aparently found a way out of the run while i was at work. I came home last nite to a missing chook. This morning she was standing by the run gate demanding that i let her in.
my cute little Blue Silkie rooster David Bowie tried to mount me today!

He has been extreemly friendly to me lately, wanting me to pet him. Today while I was bent over petting one of my hens, he ran around behind me, did a little dance and jumped up at my bottom! I reached around to pet him and he squatted.

I think he is sexually confused. LOL
Brooders are easy enough to make, just a box with a light. We used a pallet box but I know people who have used plastic bins and all kinds of things. As for the electricity, that sounds like a problem. :-(

I also don't have a light. My chicks are two and a half weeks old. What I do is I have them outside . The sun is their light. But make sure they have shade. I change their water 3 times a day to make sure they have cool water. At night I take them inside the house in a large bird cage and I cover it with blankets. Hope that helps you.
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Madonna and JamJam were on the "loose" as JamJam won't conform. Madonna was having a dirt bath and JamJam is now missing. All the others were in their coop. We found 2 of JamJams new eggs on the hillside, but no sign of her. I don't think she is coming back. It's been over 24hrs and the most I have gone without finding them is 3hrs Sad day :(
The girls got their first taste of strawberries today - my god it was like a gladiator type fight to the death for them lol luckily everyone got to try some
Today my favorite chicken showed me she is really a he. The gentleman I bought my chicks from assured me they were all hens.So after asking fellow chicken people on this website and seeing him in action I now have a rooster. Then to top the morning off, looked in the nesting boxes and found my very first egg!!! What a fun day in the chicken coop!

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