What did your chickens do today?

Today my newly laying pullet/hen decided to lay an egg in the rabbit feed bag. She actually has done this almost every day, and it might be her "spot" now. Haha. I took a video of her laying the egg (then the rest of the video was waiting for the egg song) and then another video of the delayed egg song. :) So proud.
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Has anyone ever put rabbits in with their chickens?
My rabbit hutch is in the chicken run. She pretty much ignores the chickens. Haha. I've let her out in the run before and the flock was on the opposite end of the rabbit at all times. When the rabbit would come to investigate them, it sounded like the chooks were getting killed or something! Priceless!
I got my gorgeous boy from the animal welfare shelter for $5.....Silky. I could pick him up & nurse him, lay him on his back on my lap & give his tummy a tickle, & he'd sit on my lap & go to sleep while I watched TV...such a little hunny. They told me they had never heard him crow....I thought this was a good thing seeing as though I lived in a built-up area.....as soon as he hit the coop...he started crowing lol. So I keep him in the garage in a little cage until 9am. U can barely hear him crow in the morning & I let him walk himself to the coop each morning. Unfortunately I had to move interstate & had to give my flock away....I miss him so much...my Rocky-roo. He was just so unique. Sometimes because his comb was in front of his face, he would bump into things....so funny. I miss the little guy.

Aw chic-a-deee that's so sad!! What beautiful chickens. I'm sorry that you had to give away your babies. Though it's not the same as having them with you, I hope it helps to know that they're in a good & loving home.
Thanks BarredRockMom- yeah...the person I gave them to had a farm & looked after injured animals so I know they will be fine. Just looking at the above posts....I forgot about that god-awful laying song...lol. That was almost as bad as the rooster crowing.
oh, hahaha, that's hysterical...
mine did the same....each time me or my children used to squat down in the coop he would do that little herding dance, the one where the roos look like they are going to ram you sidewards lol. He was trying to dominate us all....All u do is pick up the offending roo & hold & pat him for a little bit....it disarms that puffy-chested strutting they do around us....But with the hens...thats another story hehehe
Yes! I gave a rabbit to my Niece and they put 2 chicks with them, it's so funny but they get along great

My rabbit hutch is in the chicken run. She pretty much ignores the chickens. Haha. I've let her out in the run before and the flock was on the opposite end of the rabbit at all times. When the rabbit would come to investigate them, it sounded like the chooks were getting killed or something! Priceless! 

T]hanks so much. We got two rabbits yesterday. I have a rabbit coop but was thinking about putting them n with the chickens since its much bigger until my hubby get the big pen ready for them. Wasn't sure if they could trade diseases r even get along. Feel much better about it temporarily now!! Thanks again
Quote: Here is an update on Greenie, for anyone who's wondering:
First of all, she is still alive! YEAH!!
She is a changed chicken, twice over.
When we first got her in April, she was flighty, ran around and away from me, generally was not friendly at all. Low gal on the totem pole. Other hens would chase her away from food, never really pecked at her, just chased her. Then whatever happened between her and Roo - a major disagreement, for sure - made her scared to death, but she was fast, ran away from him and totally spent her days and nights alone. I put her in her own cage for several weeks as she didn't seem to be getting enough food, looked skinny, etc. In there, she became more friendly to me, let me pick her up, and started gaining weight, too! Then we decided to put her back in w/ the others - WRONG MOVE. Did the same thing, so I put her own roost in - up higher than the other one - since she could fly up there. Nailed a little dish and hung her water on the window hardware cloth. (Spoiled her as best I could!) She lived like that for about 2 weeks - pretty much stayed in the coop unless I brought her into the run. Then she would hardly let me put her down and started flying to my arm or shoulder when she thought I got too far away. She would set on top of the feed shelter and look at me with soulful eyes. Wouldn't get down on the ground. One day, I put Roo in the coop and left about 4 hens outside. She almost jumped down several times when she saw he wasn't there, but changed her mind each time. This was the time period thatI could let her out of the run/coop and she would follow me around like a puppy! Then...the Roo attack. When I found her that morning, I was SO sick. Should've never put her back in w/ them.

So for awhile, in her little own house, she's scared of me; has had trouble w/ her legs - might be just an imbalance because of her eye - hadn't been eating and drinking. I didn't think she was going to make it. She is still skinny. I let her out, talk to her, pet her, etc., but find she sure can run when she wants to! Everytime I get near her, she squats down, then takes off... she makes these odd movements of her head, kind of like an older person ('scuse me anyone who does this,
young or old - I'm not saying you are acting like a chicken or anything - 'cause I sometimes do the same thing!!! lol) swinging their arms to get up out of a chair - only she does it w/ her head. Can you picture that?
She makes a certain type of noise anytime I get near her - the same cluck every time and tries to get away. So gone is the trust that she had for me while protecting her from the Roo. I really miss that!

So today, I let her out awhile and put her food dish and water on the porch. I walk away and she starts pecking at the cement. I rattled her food dish and she came over and started eating. I changed places with the water and she pecked at the water. AND GUESS WHAT? I noticed her "bad" eye is open. I didn't look to see if the eye is there, but it was actually open. BTW: Our porch REALLY got initiated to chicken poop today! lol
She may be blind in that eye, but IT'S OPEN!
Tomorrow, I will check it closer. So, anyways, I went and got some yogurt and put it in with her feed. After she went back to her cage, I noticed her pecking at it off and on again! So she is eating. Gave her some scrambled eggs tonight but as I type this, haven't gone back out to see if they are gone or not. Hope so.

Her head is all scabbed over - still looks a mess. Wonder if I should get it soft and remove the scab? Anyone? Or let it remove itself in time? It was pretty bad, so I wonder if the skin will regrow there or not - probably not any feathers ifor sure. She's not laid an egg since the first night in her little house.

I hope nobody minds that I posted this update here - Didn't know quite where to put it but thought there might be some who were wondering about her recovery. I am so glad she's better, but I also know she has a long way to go to be the chicken she used to be. Patience, patience, patience. . . Thanks to all those who have responded with advice and support! Love this site!

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