What do/does your chicken(s) do that make you laugh?

Also, we have a wireless IP cam in our coop to watch for coons and stuff, and I keep it on throughout the day because I love watching them. This one hen comes in every day, sits in the straw, and STARES at the camera, sometimes for an hour! It's always the same hen (can tell by color) and always in the early afternoon. She never lays an egg, just sits and stares.

i love that! every morning i have one hen who comes into the coop after freeranging for an hour or two and stands on the roost for like 45 minutes and just clucks away! also when i go to my show pens all of them start cackling and crowing and causing a raucous lol and i love the way my month old chicks chase flies around all day long without catching any!​
I could write PAGES!!!! But, I'll spare you, as my stories are probable similar to yours. Highlights: view from behind as they run full-speed; pecking at the glass door for treats; running to me full-tilt if they hear me utter the word "yogurt" (seriously); and the way my BO relaxes and closes her eyes when I stroke behind her ears....
What is almost as good as enjoying these antics ourselves is the enjoyment that people without chickens get when they observe them acting like they do. After a bicycle ride earlier this week by good friend Dave got to witness the spectacle of the great pizza crust feast of Tuesday night. I opened the tractor gate and sat down with some crust in a paper towel (they know that paper towel = treat). They were out en masse in front of me jumping and biting fingers as I struggled to break off smaller pieces of the crust so that each would get a couple of pieces. Invariably one of the wiser ones will make a go at the paper towel and either yank it off of my lap or get a good fragment. Dave was roaring with laughter at them doing the "don't take my food" worried run regardless of the fact that they were all pretty much running around expecting all of the others to be chasing them.

Treat time usually means "Mayhem ensues"
Well mine crack me up all the time...my story is the same as many.
How they run at full speed when I come with a treat.
How they all chase the one with the treat although there are treats enough for
I guess one of the funniest is my poor roo trying to crow.
It is a sad sound somewhere between being stepped on...can't sing...and sounds like me:rolleyes:
See I suffer from paralized vocal cords and can't speak loud and clear anymore.
Sometimes I sound "squeaky". Well I still find time each day to talk to all
my peeps...and my dh says he sounds the way he does because he listens to me talk.

Could be true!

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