What do they say in your neck of the woods?

West Michigan here...

It's definitely "pop," not "soda" or "Coke," although my DH will sometimes say "soda."

For meals, we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hardly ever hear anyone say "supper." We go "out to breakfast," "out to lunch" and "out for dinner."

I keep my clothes in a "dresser." I wash them with "laundry soap" or "detergent."

My husband says he wears "trousers" (when referring to his nice Dockers for work) but I say he wears "pants." I'm not sure if this is an East vs. West Michigan thing.

We stand or wait "in line" with our "shopping carts" at the supermarket or grocery store.

I'm trying to think of more right now, but I can't.

How about some yummy Michigan foods, like Vernor's or Blue Moon ice cream (I love both)?
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One saying that my grandma used was "Well, I better get busy and do something, even if it's wrong". That used to crack me up. She would be the last person I could have envisioned doing ANYTHING wrong, lol. But back to the subject, we say Breakfast, lunch, and supper. Lunch is sometimes interchanged with dinner, depending on the age of the relative saying it, lol.
Just thought of a few more...

Taters = potatos
vittles = food
Kaka (a makes a short u sound as in up) = anything icky or gross

My grandma loves to cook for anyone who shows up at her front door. While you are eating...if you run out of anything she will ask if you want more...only thing is before she has stopped asking she has already filled your plate. My Dh swears that you can never finish your plate. You will also gain 20 lbs per meal. But OHHHHH is it good.

As for the direction...I asked for directions in a small town north of here and was told to

"take the 3rd left 'til ya get to the 3 legged dog and hang a right. Go on up till you see a horse in the front yard and go right. Follow the road up till you see the broken fence and make a right. It will be the 2nd dirt road pass that point. You can't miss it."

Funny thing is the directions work and we still use them when we go to that town. LOL. How long does a 3 legged dog live? One day I know that horse will venture around to the side of the house. If that gate gets fixed then will everyone get lost???
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Here in Maryland it's "breakfast", "lunch", and "dinner".

But people from Balmur (Baltimore), "warsh"(wash) their clothes with "detergent" and "wudder"(water). They drive on B'lair (Bel Air) Road, and drink "soda". I sit on a "couch", and eat "subs" and "lollipops"(occasionally lolly's). I personally call popsicles "ice-lolly's"... Um I go down into the "basement" and into the "garage", I put my clothes in a "dresser" or "armoir", and prop my feet on an "ottoman". I call the things on my bed whatever they are "sheet" "comforter" "pillow" "blanket" "dust ruffle". I drive on the "highway" and I call them only by their numbers "543" "95" etc.

And when someone can go do something, they can "g'head" (go ahead).

Oh, and I think the letter "G" doesn't exist in this state~

"Stompin'" and other such things~
"The Chicken Lady"....maybe it has something to do with living on the border, but we say the same things you do. pop etc. Do you open a "tin" of beans or a "can" of beans? "Tin" here. When I lived in St. Louis, my friend from Illinois would look at me strangely when I said "pop" or "tin".

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