What do you do for a living?

I'm retired from the US Army.

I'm currently a wildlife biologist traveling all over the United States doing different work on different forests. It's a great job. So all you folks wanting to kill hawks, don't advertise on the forums.
I'm a serial killer using state of the art Bio-warfare technology for the Government.
I risk life and limb to protect my community form humanity's top predator, the mosquito. I must have killed over a billion of the little blood suckers before they even took to the wing this season. Before that, I worked in the Gem/Mineral/Fossil/Rock industry for 13 years. (LOL... Did your eyebrows raise when you first started reading this?)
8 kids??
Nough said!

I must be like farmerlor also, the house seems vacant if I have any less than 6 here at any given moment
I posted. It did not appear or I missed it? This is the second time. I own my own Advertising Agency. I teach at a local College. Marketing Advertising. Aria

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