What do you do for a living?

Interesting thread!

I currently work part-time as a zookeeper at a science center - my job is to take care of deer, river otters, livestock, exotic and native birds, reptiles, amphibians, marine life, and lots of snakes! I've worked at the same place (minus a few years off to do some other jobs and to be a stay-home mom) since 1994. I also do a fair bit of program presentation and some exhibit design.

I have worked as an intern for a few wildlife biology projects (wolves, birds) but eventually had to get a job that payed.
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I'm a retired R.N. as of 0700 7/31/05 (after 28 years of med/surg, ortho, rehab, head injuries, & MRDD.) My husband found our 15 young hens/Henspa on Craigslist (with LOTS of extras) for $350. fall of '09. He retired from DuPont (after 30+ yrs) this year. I am sooo grateful to be staying home & playing 'sliced bread frisbee' with these sweet girls'. I learn so much from this site.
Well I don't really work for a living but I guess "merits" could count?

I work for merits by do a part-time job of finishing my home-work and school-work, attending to the doggie "poops" and doing tasks around our home. I also walk dogs, and have become a 'sitter of 48 chickens....could I have a better life!
I am a Direct Care Staff at a group home for adults with physical and mental challenges. I've been with one of my clients for over 16 years. (thats the job that pays the bills) My other job is running my parents small farm.
great thread

There seem to be a huge number of caregivers on BYC but i can't say that is surprising when you consider our mutual addiction.

I work at home full time assembling/ inspecting/ degating plastic parts for a local plastics plant.

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