What do you grow to feed the chickens??

Stumbled upon this while looking to order scarlet runner beans--

Proved eough see for 1600 or was it6000 sq ft plot for chickens-- enough for 10 chickens. Well worth investigating further. Had a long list of seeds from corn and milo to chard to feed the chooks.

If any one orders this, please let us know how it worked out for you.

We've got planted as fruits, pears, apples, & peaches.
and whatever is growing in the garden we'll share, beans, sunflowers, tomatoes, cukes, eggplants, squash, & watermelons.

as for herbs they love monarda (which is good because I have lots to share)
basils(sweet, cinnamon, & purple), oregano, mint, & cilantro

I tried using marigold blossoms just outside the door to repel crawling critters,
But I think the chickens just loved that and got to em thru the fencing.

I had planned to have some dill and fennel by now but I guess that will be a little further down the line.
We will see.
We have kale, lettuce, and corn that they like to eat :p Well the corn is growing... I know they'll like it though! We have other things but they don't eat them
THe kale will taste even better after a frost-- if you lve in a zone that has frost.

COrn-- who would have though chickens could strip every kernal of an ear of corn.
Oh my goodness! Just found this thread. Totally excited!!
Curious as to what everyone's favorite gardening catalogs are. I love gardening catalogs! Anything else I can just buy online, but I love the feel of a catalog when it comes to plants and seeds.
We're putting in a late crop of indian corn and milo just for the chicks (and fall décor)
We also planted out some rooted basils, and more marigolds.

The littlest Chicken farmer went nuts when she had the chickens jumping for the petals today.
even the little duck was seeking out what she had.

Plus if we plant a little row outside of the coop, they have an additional pest control factor as does the basil.
Both deter flies. Now if I can find just a few starts of Citronella geraniums, the mosquitoes love the chickenmama
Oh my goodness! Just found this thread. Totally excited!!
Curious as to what everyone's favorite gardening catalogs are. I love gardening catalogs! Anything else I can just buy online, but I love the feel of a catalog when it comes to plants and seeds.
I love the feel of books and catalogs too-- though I am learning the online behavior of selection and ordering. lol

I haven't gotten gardening catalogs in years . . I expect that will change now.
We're putting in a late crop of indian corn and milo just for the chicks (and fall décor)
We also planted out some rooted basils, and more marigolds.

The littlest Chicken farmer went nuts when she had the chickens jumping for the petals today.
even the little duck was seeking out what she had.

Plus if we plant a little row outside of the coop, they have an additional pest control factor as does the basil.
Both deter flies. Now if I can find just a few starts of Citronella geraniums, the mosquitoes love the chickenmama
Love it!! basil, marigolds and to deter flies!! I was reading an article about that just this morning. If you find cintronella geraniums please post!!

I tried a wash of vanilla as a mosquito deterent-- perhaps I didnt use enough vaniilla so I will try again. Would love to know if the citronella can be made into a lotion . . . .maybe . . .

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