What do you hate about where you live

The ridiculous, brain searing, skin sizzling HEAT which should be illegal!!!
I'm not someone who curses, but from June-November I can't set foot out of the house without the F word flying out of my mouth at least a dozen times in rapid succession like the mechanic I'm married to! The amount of dust is insane, I could literally dust every 12 hours if I had the desire. Lack of rain (however its been raining for 2 days now, yipeeee), cookie cutter subdivisions, and really terrible school district.
I hate the freezing cold! Idaho has 2 seasons- winter and almost winter! I'll have to wait til august to be able to fence and build my run because we won't be able to break through the permafrost until then.
Wow, this thread is starting to be a wee bit depressing. I think we are all tired of the urban sprawl that is taking over the land, I think we are tired of illegals and the population expanding faster then they can build the cookie cutter houses we all hate so much. The weather isn't something we can change though and for those that only have the weather as their main reason for not liking where they live, I guess you are the lucky ones.

At least we all have our chickens to keep us sane!
I am lucky that the weather is the only thing I have to complain about right now, although I'm sure the city will try to annex us again soon and they are building a subdivision across the road from me. I'll stand and fight here for a while and then move farther out somewhere.
I sort of cringed as I read this but I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. In fact, before you said anything about this I was thinking..."and it bugs me when hispanic people speak Spanglish to me and argue that it IS a language and my Spanish is NOT!" (For the record, in case you didn't know...I'm first generation Mexican but, I was raised here so I think I am more from here - for all practical purposes. LOL!)

I think the problem is not so much the illegal aliens (though that is a problem in and of itself) so much as their kids.

The respect of property is not being taught nor is the pride of living in a great country, instilled.

When my mom moved us here she did a few things with and to us. She instilled in us these things and we left it all behind to acclimate. I try to own up to that not because of her hard work and money spent but because she was right. In fact, she was adamant that we learn ENGLISH and forget our Spanish. (However, I never forgot my Spanish...I guess some things do die hard...and I am glad. I like knowing my mother tongue and proving all those "cholos" wrong! LOL)

Now, my mom has alzheimers and has somewhat forgotten all that, I never will...but, I digress.

The other thing that bugs me...when whitetrash folks in town say "Really? WOW! You don't look Mexican!" :mad:

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I grew up in El Paso, TX and my siblings and I were the only white kids on the block. The difference down there is that when it's 90% hispanic, they fall into all walks of life. It seems that in Idaho, it's mostly illegals and their kids. I don't have anything against hispanics at all, in fact some times I can relate more to them than whites (refer back to the upbringing in El Paso), I think I can relate to the ones who live in Idaho a little because they are a minority here as I was in El Paso as a kid. You don't know what most people are saying and everyone looks different. In fact, my first thought on moving to Idaho was: "Where'd all these white people come from?" I've adapted here quite nicely though and don't miss city life at all.

P.S.: I don't have a problem with anyone who lives in this country as long as EVERYONE pays taxes!!
They have to build a house, shopping center, restaurant or some type of building on every piece of empty ground in the whole state, or so it seems, at least in central Ohio. Doesn't matter that the housing industry sucks and most of them sit empty, or that we have at least two to three of every conceivable type of business in every community. We are running out of farmland and open space.
It's too bad that farmers can't even afford to say no now to people wanting to buy their farms for development. Things are so expensive now that they make more money selling out than farming the ground.
Interesting...I have heard that farmers out here are getting paid to NOT FARM - by the Government! HUH? When I first heard this, I thought it was bull pucky and mere exaggeration. Just wondering can this be true? Can someone explain this to me?

Umm...that was rhetorical. Sorry. It bugs me when folks inadvertently change the topic of a thread with rhetoric. LOL!
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