What do you have in your flock?

My flock is made up of a Barred Rock, a Salmon Faverolle, three Light Brahmas, a White Leghorn, a Buff Orpington, a Partridge Rock, a Cuckoo Maran, a White Cochin, and soon-to-be a Black Silkie, a Buff Silkie, and three blue/splash/Black silkies. Phew, what a mouthful :rolleyes:

So very glad to see you have more than one Silkie in the flock -- bantams, very specifically Silkies and Polish are usually shy timid birds that can get mercilessly feather-picked by larger breeds -- my Silkies would toodle around in their own little group away from the more assertive larger birds. I have one lone old Silkie hen left in the flock and although she holds her own without her Silkie friend who died last year, she doesn't mingle with the larger birds in the flock and is quite a lonely-looking soul. I don't want to get a new Silkie companion for her to toodle with because what if the old girl dies soon and then I'll be left with one lonely new Silkie. I'm zone restricted and can't get a bunch more birds to add to the backyard flock. Just not a good idea to mix docile bantams with larger breeds.
Current are in my signature. Also had 2 Cubalayas and 2 Partridge Chanteclers. Getting 2 Golden Campines and 2 Barred Rocks next week. I do enjoy being able to figure out which bird is which by sight. Some are leg banded but that is for DW and DD1. I can tell who is who because I see them several times a day.
Same here, I call all 18 by name and people ask me all the time," how can I tell them apart"
Things have changed (again) since I made that post. The polish has been rehomed to a friend of mine. The half banty roo was taken by a predator and was replaced by an EE and I have another orpington, 2 GLW, a leghorn and an egyptian fayoumi in the brooder. The polish wound up being a cockerel and after my normal roo was taken wound up running the show. He actually did really well with the LF hens, but they started plucking his 80's rock star hair and I ended up deciding to send him somewhere that was a better fit for him. I get updates on how well he is doing :)

I don't know why it is but the crested breeds seem to get feather-picked by other breeds so I've decided not to replace my one crested bird once she's gone (a 7-yr-old Partridge Silkie -- my first and oldest bird in the flock and I don't have the heart to part with her -- she holds her own with the LF hens but she tends to be off by herself most of the time now that her other Black Silkie friend died last year). So sad to see her toodling around alone when she had the other old Black Silkie to pal around with for 6 years. The bantams seem to hang around together away from the LF breeds.
My turn, my turn :p

Barred Rock
Silver Penciled Rock
Buff Rock
Cream Legbar

Chickie Babies:
Buff Orpington
Specked Sussex x2
Easter Egger
Ameraucana mix ? olive egger
White leghorn/Black Orpington mix
White Cochin---may turn out to be a bantam, tiny chick

Love them all!
My most friendly=barred rock
My best layers=so far my rocks
My worst layer=probably my welsummer
Most skittish=probably FBCM
Cutest chick=white cochin chickie baby by a long shot:love
Prettiest egg= Silver penciled rock, I know you thought Id say FBCM, while the dark chocolate eggs are cool, my Silver Penciled lays this gorgeous light pink egg that almost looks opalescent. Gorgeous, especially next to my cream legbar's pretty blueish green
Biggest egg=FBCM
Smallest egg=Cream Legbar
Top of pecking order=FBCM
Bottom of pecking order=Silver penciled rock
I think these are:
Barred rock
Salmon favorelles
SF/Marans mix
Heritage turkey

Any guesses on sex’s would be great!

In the majority of chicken breeds the female chicks grow in tail feathers very quickly so that by one month they've got some cute tail fluff. The male chicks will grow in saddle feathers first (on their back) and take a longer time to grow sickle (tail) feathers, also by about 7 weeks the males will start showing much redder combs compared to the pale pink combs of the female juveniles. The females will start showing very red comb/wattles just before POL.
At the moment:
1 Golden Sex Link
1 Light Brown Leghorn
1 Black Sex Link
1 Salmon Faverolles
1 White Crested Black Polish
1 Cuckoo Marans
1 EE
1 Black Australorp
1 Barnevelder
1 BO
1 Welsummer

Yay for chicken math!
I'm actually restarting my flock this year after a few disasters involving dogs. So all but 5 are between a few days, and 6-7 weeks(?).

5 Barnyard mixes( generation 2 form my original ones! )
6 Easter Eggers
3 Olive Eggers
1 Crested Cream Legbar baby roo
1 Blue Olive Egger/Phoenix
1 Rhode Island Red
2 Red Sex-Links
34 Black Sex-Links
4 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Black Cochin
1 Bantam Birchen Cochin
1 Bantam Blue Cochin
1 Barred Rock
5 Buff Orpingtons
6 Blue/Black/Splash Orpingtons
1 Jubilee Orpington
1 Partridge Orpington
3 Blue Andalusians
2 Black Australorp

And a run of Cornish Crosses.
I think that is all of them.

I have a lot of birds
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