What do you have in your flock?

New to chickens this year. 5 week old flock of....

3 Buff Orpington
3 White Leghorn
3 Barred Rock (two of which I'm sure are roo's)
2 Easter Eggers (sold as Araucana but after investigating this site I'm convinced they're EE's)

Already planning additional coop space to raise more!

Sounds like the Chicken Math is setting in!
White australorp
Black giant
Buff Orpington
Black copper maran
Black sex- link
14 silkies and 6 cochin

I didn't know Australorps came in "white"? Austra Whites come in white but never heard of a white Australorp?

Hope your Silkies are not bullied by the bigger heavier hens or are kept in separate pens. Our Silkies got badly bullied by Marans and Leghorns and we had to re-home the bigger bullies - hated to do it but the Silkies are too small to defend themselves very well at only 2-lbs.
Ya! Just got 4 more chicks and a smaller coop that I'll use to rear them until they can be big enough to integrate. One of each...Blue Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Russian Orloff, and Buckeye. They are all snuggled up in the brooder for their first night!

Would love to know where in the pecking order the Russian Orloff will be when they're all grown. I understand from owners that ROs are gentle where the Wyans & Andies can be quite dominant. Let us know their pecking arrangement when they've matured.
All most a year ago I Started out with 6 white leghorn chicks. Then added 3 Rhode Island Red and 3 suppose to be Americanas. This year was given a Rooster unsure of the breed. 6 Barred rocks two died. 12 eggs in the incubator. Came home the other day with 6 chicks unsure of the breeds. Picked out the different kind.
We bought our 1st chick's September 2015. Buff Orpington, Giant Black Jersey, Americana green egg layer, Rhodesian Red, Barred Rock, Silver Laced Cochin, Sultan, Wellsummer
The one week olds...

3 - Buff Orpingtons
3 - Black Astrolorps
3- Black Copper Marans
1- Blue Copper Maran

1 - 2 week old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
1 - 3 week old Black Laced Red Wyandotte

Hopefully all pullets.

The older chicks are brooding together at my 89 year old mother's house 3 doors down. The other 10 babies are in our spare room. They've been so fun but my life has been totally taken over by chickens.
Recognized colors are Black, Blue and White.

Did some checking and according to Wikipedia the US doesn't recognize Blue or White yet - only Australia does. There are a bunch more varieties - Poultry Club South Africa recognizes buff, splash, wheaten laced and golden. Guess the US has a lot of Lorp varieties to catch up yet!

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