What do you use to write on eggs?

There is no lead in a pencil.
I doubt anyone would let children use them if they did. I chew my drawing pencils! lol

Even though it's called pencil lead, it is actually charcoal!

I always thought it was graphite. Whatever it is, I use it too.

There is no lead in pencils, only Graphite, which is basically solid Carbon. Perfectly harmless.
Pencil gets worn off really fast under a broody hen as well.

and I think Madrooster was joking about the whole lead thing seeing as how some are overly paranoid. Just guessing tho... But that was how I took the post.

pencil works good for me, although they could get led poisining , lol​
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PENCIL - Sharpie pens soak through and have toxic fumes. Yikes. Also, I misted my eggs a lot, they sat on papertowel - had wet chicks walking all over them - it does NOT smear. I do however use a mechanical pencil with #2 leads. The old style pencils (wooden ones) might have a different grade of lead that is more smearable.
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- Sharpie pens soak through and have toxic fumes

No, there has never been any soaking through, leaching, or penetrating the shell here EVER or any evidence of "toxic fumes".
A Sharpie Permanent Marker is perfectly safe for marking 'eggs for hatching'.

There is no lead in a pencil.
I doubt anyone would let children use them if they did. I chew my drawing pencils! lol

Even though it's called pencil lead, it is actually charcoal!

I always thought it was graphite. Whatever it is, I use it too.

Some of them are graphite.
Usually the expensive artist kinds are, I think because they are darker and blend better. But different pencils are made out of both. :3
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