What does your rooster's crow sound like?


Flew The Coop
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007
My Lt. Colonel Bok Bok (a dominique) sounds like EEERRR AAUUEEEERRR AUUUUEEEEERRRRRRRRcrack crack cracked voice.
He's well over a year old. I have my rooster and 2 neighbors with roos and all three of them sound different. They get into fighting wars every morning. I just thought it would be cool to hear what other people's roo sound like.

After about the 50th crow his voice starts to crack.
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My roo is over a year old and at the end of his crow when he runs out of breath lol, if sounds like he has a raspy throat,somewhat a cracking sound in the caw.I think thier voice just goes out sometime like peoples do
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Kip sounds pretty good... he's a little high pitched, though.
Now Hotwing... That poor guy. He sounds like a dying calf.
My white leghorn
does 1/2 what a TV rooster would sound like
-- instead of doing the full blown arr arr arr arr arrrrrrrrrr he says arr arrr arrrrrrrrrr
and he does it when he sees me
never mind just at sunup
today he was doing it while he was sitting on my lap while I was drinking tea

that was a little loud......

he's a loveable weirdo



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