what gender is my gosling?

do you mean the coloring of your male and female are the same?
Female Embdens when still yellow have a much darker grey on their yellow than a male but at the age yours is now it will be very hard to tell without vent sexing and that can be risky with out help. Might have to wait till they start to sexually mature then it is obvious which is which. Gorgeous goslings you have there.
do you mean the coloring of your male and female are the same?

Yes, unless they're both males. I got one penis to pop out easily and it does every time, the other one I've vent sexed once a day since I got them and not once have I seen a penis, and she is much much smaller than the male. Her name is Lemon
Thanks yall
I will just have to wait
ugh patience
I will continue to post photos
You better I love to see all the changes taking place.

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