What have you done for your chickens today?

Swimmer, I didn't realize there was that much snow anywhere in this state yet!
Let them out, free ranging while I did a few things around the yard. Spinach and popcorn to coax them back in.
Moab, we are in the Salt Lake valley and got dumped on last night. Quite the shock when we woke up this morning.
Let them free range for the day and gave them a snack of spinach and apples. No more free ranging in the evening during the week since it's dark before I get home from work.
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Farmer's Almanac predicts a wetter warmer winter for Utah. Last winter was cold, nasty and lasted nearly 'til summer. I'm in my first year of chicken tending, so I'm a bit on edge I guess. Fourteen inches 150 miles away, and light rain and wind here. Similar elevation, but different climate then SLC valley. I got the wood stove burning
. Maybe snow tonight
I bought enough tarps, which were expensive here :-( to tarp their 16X20 run. Spent the whole day tarping, stapling, and shoveling snow, then reinforcing the outside where I stapled the tarps so the wind wouldn't rip them right off. added 2 bales of straw to the ground in the run because my chickens refused to step in that white cold stuff on their ground. gave them cottage cheese mixed with yogurt, warm scrambled eggs and peeled bananas to entice them to come out. then spent a couple hours building them a water heater (since the fish tank heater I was using failed to keep the water from freezing at -4F) I know I did a lot more than this, but I went out there at 9 am and its 10 p.m now and apart form the trip to the hardware store and a couple breaks for food we worked in the barn until 8 p.m

once we did have it all tarped the girls were quite happy being out in the run. but I did find an issue with tarping a run....they now need a light out there :-/
The first thing I did was check my homemade water heaters, sure enough they worked, now to make some more. I fed and watered them, collected eggs, and fluffed their straw. then i moved snow. A couple of miles south of Canadian border.
No snow this morning!!

I'd like to see a picture of your home made water heater. I moved my galvanized waterer yesterday to be in the sun and I'm thinking of painting it black to absorb more solar radiation. I have a plastic waterer from when they were just chicks and I could take it out to them first thing in the mornings. There was only a very thin layer of ice on it this morning

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